Windows 11 After changing my language from English to Chinese and getting confused because it wasnt working (playing Roblox) , my keyboard and mouse would not wo

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shen Zi
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Shen Zi

Yesterday someone had asked me to type in chinese because my display name had chinese symbols in it. I attempted to switch to my chinese keyboar--iitt ccaammee aaloongg wwitth mmannyy pproobblleemmss..aannootthher pproobbleemm oon mmyy kkeeyybboaardd iis tthhiis,, iitt wwont ssttop ddoubbliing mmyy lleetttteerrss.. iim gonnnnaa hhaavve too ttyyppee llikke tthhis tthhee eennttiirree tiimee.. SSoo wwhhenn ii sswwttiiccheeddttoo cchineese wwhhilee pplaayyiing roobblloxx,, iit ddiddnntt sshhoww uupp aanndd ii ttriieed sswwiittcchhingg iitt bback annd ffoor

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