Windows 10 Almost Everyone Has This Problem...

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I am Windows user for 20 years and I am using this OS for my work, hobby, entertainment and many other personal things. I have problems since 2015 due to Windows 10. I will list them all!

1 – Search by Modification Date/Create Date

This feature added to Windows on XP and this was miracle for me. Because it helped me to find my files on right time. But what Microsoft did? Of course, they removed this amazing thing after 15 years! Well done Microsoft! There can’t be a real reason to remove this feature. The only real thing can be “Well, we like troll with our customers!” Please don’t tell me to use little arrow near to Modification Date bar on the listings. They are not the same thing and I don’t use that because I always making search on whole folders! Please get back that Calendar on Search Bar!

2 – Updates and No Disable Option

Microsoft always gave us choice for updates if we want updates or not! But of course, with this Windows 10, everything changed! Now we, customers can not disable this forever like how we did since 1995. Please give customer right to close updates forever! I have many researches and settings but these updates force the computer to restart. BOOM! My all opened notepads, opened folders in a particular scroll location gone forever! It automatically updates my drivers which blews my all settings. I used “wushowhide.diagcab” to fix this problem. For example, it updates my audio driver to wrong edition and result is I can’t tweak EQ, noise gain etc. With that “diagcab” thing, I can put that update to blacklist and it will never update that driver but overall Microsoft should give right for the customer if they want updates or if they don’t want! We should be able to close forever or choose to install things!

3 – Latency Overall

We can’t deny that 1607 LTSB is the best version yet! There is no latency and it works flawless like Windows Vista and Windows 7. Explorer is fast, the UI is fast. Clipboard, start menu and many other things open immediately. No latency! But with newer versions, Windows 10 became heavy and heavy. When I am testing all Windows versions on different computers. I am seeing that only 1607 LTSB version works fast as Windows Vista and Windows 7. You need to fix this problem! Some people say it is fixed since 2004 but I don’t see any improvements about this. Please get that 1607 LTSB’s basic back!

4 - Stupid Updates and More Bug, Explorer Crashes, More Feature Being Removed

I already talked about updates, features, latency and explorer but problems never limited with these! They are always new problems when updates come and old ones rarely get solved! Explorer crash problem is number one on this list. Microsoft never been able to fix this. Even I formatted my computer once. No luck! My taskbar gets f*cked up. Opened explorer folders in a particular scroll location are no longer exist. Some programs don’t renew themselves after they being opened so some notification bar icons also no longer exist until next boot. Because of my researches, I can’t restart my PC so these program icons can not be reachable until I re-start them or reboot my PC. Like I said no calendar search. I closed all updates by choosing metered connection. So I don’t get updates and it does not restart my PC anymore or makes everything more worst. I accidently clicked update for Mail app and now it crashes after 1 minute. Sometimes I am thinking that Microsoft chooses me for their psychologic tests. Oh! By the way, that mail app problem exists on everyone’s computer. At least I can see it from comments on the internet and on the reviews. Reset the app 3 times but no fix!

5- Skin, Themes and UI

I think everyone can agree about this. I mean who does not like Vista or 7’s UI and skin? It is fresh, luxe, nice, smooth! But Windows 10? It is box! Just box like 50s televisions! Ugly as hell! Even Classic Shell is sexier than this ugly sh*t! Please god damn get back the Aero, Classic Shell and other Personalization settings! My job, my life is on computers! Unfortunately, I have to look screen more than 8 hours and Windows 10 gives me depression. I never see something this ugly since Windows BOB! I don’t want to use programs for getting back the old start menu, Aero or other things. They are not official and they are just masking with their codes. It makes Windows 10 more heavier! It is already heavy after all this updates! Get start menu and other things back! At least give us choice like how you gave us choice on other Windows’! I really would like to see that file transfer animation of Vista or 7 again!

6 – Control Panel and Settings War!

I am really glad that I did not update my computer to 20H2 update. Clearly, we can see that, they are trying to remove Control Panel which is another scandal. It reminds me how they tried to remove start menu on Windows 8. Because they wanted tablet market share. Instead of releasing another version, they just f*cked up! Right now they are trying to slide in slowly with lube instead of pushing hard! I really don’t like this settings thing. Okay, you are trying to make everything easier for everyone but it just does not help! You can see it from tech scammers earnings! There will be always people who will be ripped off. At least hold your old customers! Our children already use Windows because of us but hey! We are not died yet!

7 - Microsoft Doesn’t Care Users!

Indeed, they are not! If they were caring their users. There would not be this much problem. I am seeing a lot of problems on this forum and they are really more than old created threads. Microsoft should ask himself “Where we do wrong?” You don’t listen your customers not at all! Instead of helping you are pushing your soldiers which they are called “technicians” on the forum. They are always giving irrelevant answers to problems. Does not help at all also! When people ask for something, they also say “Microsoft cannot do anything about these problems!” But they can create this non-exist problems with putting their hands to everything. Windows become stripped! Do not tell me about Feedback Center which all 12 years old kids randomly sending their “sdjkjfjsjı” messages there. Do not expect me to believe that Microsoft takes these feedbacks! Already %99 are kids’ random messages or hardware-based issues…

Why I Don't...

I believe someone will tell me that why don’t you use 1607 LTSB then? Because I discovered it very lately. I am not type of user who formats their computer every time. I am installing my OS then using it forever. Unfortunately, due to many problems I had to format my computer. Even that time, I have not know that version. If I want to format the PC right now, I have to backup all my AppData folder for my programs settings or other files etc. Not every program uses AppData, Program Data folders for their files, some are using regedit. If I format my computer, I need one month for re-install my all programs, tweak Windows to fit my desire/taste, settings etc.

I can't go back Windows 7 either. My chipset is so new, there is no driver for it. Microsoft must be paying well for that "Intel suggest you Windows 10" adverts. So, all I can do is finish this bullsh*t permanently from here but I need users like me. Please click “I have the same problem.” or write something down below. For example, if you know how to change Windows without losing any data, setting or regedit, I would like to hear that more! Thanks for reading!

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