Hello, I have folders and thier files that get backed up every so often and get put into a folder named bk_Operator Rate Program. In the bk_Operator Rate Program folder there are folders with thier files within this main folder and they are named by the date they were backed up. Example: bk_ORP_ 02-19-2019. I try to run the bat file below but I get an error.
ERROR: Invalid argument/optin - '@isdir'.
Type "FORFILES /?" for usage.
Here is my .bat file
@echo off
FORFILES -P "H:\BACKUPS\bk_Operator Rate Program\" -d -10 -c "cmd /c IF @isdir == TRUE rd /S /Q @path"
pause >nul
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ERROR: Invalid argument/optin - '@isdir'.
Type "FORFILES /?" for usage.
Here is my .bat file
@echo off
FORFILES -P "H:\BACKUPS\bk_Operator Rate Program\" -d -10 -c "cmd /c IF @isdir == TRUE rd /S /Q @path"
pause >nul
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