Windows 10 BSOD and Com errors in Event Viewer when playing a game and watching Netflix at same time

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andrew Scott
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Andrew Scott

Been trying to find out what is causing this BSOD unhandled system thread exception dxgmms2.sys for a long time now and I think I know what is causing it, just don't know how to fix it.

So for 5 years I have been seeing the following issue popup in the vent viewer and there is 12 entries every time it happens.

The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID




to the user ENTERPRISE\andrews SID (S-1-5-21-591862000-3007944750-1409456487-1003) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC) running in the application container 4DF9E0F8.Netflix_6.94.574.0_x64__mcm4njqhnhss8 SID (S-1-15-2-444797119-353723001-3522112724-563070080-1809981734-922308773-1844997097). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.

So a bit of a background, the computer has 32Gb ram, Aorus 1080TI and I have 2 monitors connected to the GPU, when not gaming, but watching Netflix, on the 2nd Monitor, I will get a black screen for about 1sec and it affects one monitor or both. Just seems different, the last few months I have been checking the event viewer every time it happens and the above error is is listed in the event viewer at the same exact time.

Now comes the kicker, if I am playing a game like Sea of Thieves, State of Decay or Ark, heavy on the GPU games. The screen will sometimes pause, both netflix and the game, would literally pause. And 70% of the time it happens it will BSOD and each time I look in the event viewer, the above error is literally appearing 12 times at the same exact time.

Now if I am not playing a game and watching Netflix and watching a youtube video, I have seen the exact same behavior, with a black screen and sometimes a BSOD with the error listed above, as well as 12 times the error in the event viewer in the log.

So the question, is why is this error appearing and why is it literally halting the entire system and in some cases long enough enough to bring the system down.

Windows 10 is fully up to date, nvidia drivers are fully up to date and I have tried only running MS services and drives with the same exact issues.

I have spoken to nVidia and Gigabyte and the place where I have bought the computer, trying to find out whether this is a hardware issue or a software issue and nobody seems to know. The dump files all point to DirectX12 and nVidia Drivers and the last BSOD I got was a VIDEO_TDR_ERROR 116 and now I am beginning to think this is now something to do with Windows 10 itself.

Anyone have a clue what I can do o fix this?

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