Windows 10 BSOD during Win10 Install on new build

  • Thread starter Thread starter Foxxington
  • Start date Start date


Hey there, I finished my new PC and am trying to use the media creation tool to install windows 10, however during the installation process (usually early on after copying files) I get a BSOD and my system restarts. I can get into the Bios and all my components are shown there. the error code is either "IRQL not less or equal" or "Clock watchdog timeout".I sadly, have no idea where to even start troubleshooting this. extensive googling this issue only shows that this can be anything, so I really don't know what to do. Component List:CPU: Ryzen 5800xGPU: Radeon 6700xtRAM: 2x 16GB Corsair Venge

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