• Thread starter Thread starter CédricJestin
  • Start date Start date


Bonjour, j'ai un problème j'ai des bsod recurrent

Je ne sais pas comment résoudre ces problèmes.


* *

* Bugcheck Analysis *

* *



An attempt was made to access a pageable (or completely invalid) address at an

interrupt request level (IRQL) that is too high. This is usually

caused by drivers using improper addresses.

If a kernel debugger is available get the stack backtrace.


Arg1: 0000000000000042, memory referenced

Arg2: 0000000000000002, IRQL

Arg3: 0000000000000000, bitfield :

bit 0 : value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation

bit 3 : value 0 = not an execute operation, 1 = execute operation (only on chips which support this level of status)

Arg4: fffff806264a56b7, address which referenced memory

Debugging Details:


Page 4d00 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details

Page 4d00 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details

Page 4d00 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details

Page 4d00 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details



BUILD_VERSION_STRING: 19041.1.amd64fre.vb_release.191206-1406

SYSTEM_MANUFACTURER: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.


SYSTEM_SKU: Default string

SYSTEM_VERSION: Default string

BIOS_VENDOR: American Megatrends Inc.


BIOS_DATE: 01/05/2021

BASEBOARD_MANUFACTURER: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.







BUGCHECK_P4: fffff806264a56b7

READ_ADDRESS: Unable to get offset of nt!_MI_VISIBLE_STATE.SpecialPool

Unable to get value of nt!_MI_VISIBLE_STATE.SessionSpecialPool





fffff806`264a56b7 0fb74b22 movzx ecx,word ptr [rbx+22h]


CPU_MHZ: da5







PROCESS_NAME: TiWorker.exe


ANALYSIS_SESSION_TIME: 04-14-2021 19:49:25.0687

ANALYSIS_VERSION: 10.0.15063.468 amd64fre

TRAP_FRAME: ffffe30870fb15c0 -- (.trap 0xffffe30870fb15c0)

NOTE: The trap frame does not contain all registers.

Some register values may be zeroed or incorrect.

rax=0000000000008080 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=0000000000000008

rdx=ffff808111b48e10 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000

rip=fffff806264a56b7 rsp=ffffe30870fb1750 rbp=0000000000000000

r8=0000000000000000 r9=ffff8081102a3080 r10=0000fffff8062683

r11=ffff86faca200000 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000

r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000

iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc


fffff806`264a56b7 0fb74b22 movzx ecx,word ptr [rbx+22h] ds:00000000`00000022=????

Resetting default scope

LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from fffff80626607d69 to fffff806265f5e40


ffffe308`70fb1478 fffff806`26607d69 : 00000000`0000000a 00000000`00000042 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000000 : nt!KeBugCheckEx

ffffe308`70fb1480 fffff806`26604069 : 00000263`87d07fff fffff080`03ae9f10 00000263`87d00000 ffff8081`102a3700 : nt!KiBugCheckDispatch+0x69

ffffe308`70fb15c0 fffff806`264a56b7 : ffff8081`11b8a310 ffff8081`10874300 00000000`00000103 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiPageFault+0x469

ffffe308`70fb1750 fffff806`264a435f : ffff8081`11b8a310 ffff8081`10874300 ffff8081`10874300 ffff8081`11762700 : nt!MiConvertStaticSubsections+0x13

ffffe308`70fb1790 fffff806`264a3ae5 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 fffff806`26479f54 : nt!MiInsertUnusedSegment+0x2f

ffffe308`70fb17d0 fffff806`264a38b2 : 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000001 ffffe308`70fb1a39 00000000`00000000 : nt!MiCheckControlArea+0x215

ffffe308`70fb1850 fffff806`26834223 : ffff8081`11b8a310 fffff806`2646c317 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!MiDereferenceControlAreaBySection+0x2a

ffffe308`70fb1880 fffff806`267fb300 : ffffbc05`cf021c20 ffffe308`70fb1a39 00000000`00000000 ffff8081`064f9900 : nt!MiSectionDelete+0x83

ffffe308`70fb18b0 fffff806`26461277 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffffe308`70fb1a39 ffffbc05`cf021c50 : nt!ObpRemoveObjectRoutine+0x80

ffffe308`70fb1910 fffff806`26828d6e : ffff8081`064f9900 00000000`00000000 ffffffff`ffffffff ffffbc05`b76298f0 : nt!ObfDereferenceObjectWithTag+0xc7

ffffe308`70fb1950 fffff806`2682c9ec : 00000000`0000063c 00000263`87d00000 00000000`00000000 fffff806`26835dea : nt!ObCloseHandleTableEntry+0x29e

ffffe308`70fb1a90 fffff806`266077b8 : ffff8081`10874300 00000263`87d00000 ffffe308`70fb1b80 ffff8081`102a3080 : nt!NtClose+0xec

ffffe308`70fb1b00 00007ffd`c890cf04 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x28

00000081`6e8fcc28 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x00007ffd`c890cf04


CHKIMG_EXTENSION: !chkimg -lo 50 -d !nt

fffff80626331621-fffff80626331622 2 bytes - nt!_guard_check_icall_fptr+1

[ 74 59:e9 5f ]

fffff80626331628-fffff80626331629 2 bytes - nt!_guard_dispatch_icall_fptr (+0x07)

[ 10 1b:e0 e9 ]

fffff806264445f2-fffff806264445f7 6 bytes - nt!KiInSwapProcesses+2a

[ 68 df be 7d fb f6:08 1d 3a 74 e8 d0 ]

fffff80626455020-fffff80626455024 5 bytes - nt!FsRtlCheckOplockEx2+690 (+0x10a2e)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 9b f0 7b 00 ]

fffff806264551a1-fffff806264551a5 5 bytes - nt!FsRtlCheckOplockEx2+811 (+0x181)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 1a ef 7b 00 ]

fffff806264b571b-fffff806264b571f 5 bytes - nt!PfFileInfoNotify+2db (+0x6057a)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 a0 e9 75 00 ]

fffff806264b8e96-fffff806264b8e9a 5 bytes - nt!AuthzBasepEvaluateAceCondition+5c6 (+0x377b)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 25 b2 75 00 ]

fffff806264bf2f5-fffff806264bf2f9 5 bytes - nt!NtSetInformationWorkerFactory+e5 (+0x645f)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 c6 4d 75 00 ]

fffff806264bf646-fffff806264bf64a 5 bytes - nt!NtSetInformationWorkerFactory+436 (+0x351)

[ ff e0 cc cc cc:e8 55 4a 75 00 ]

fffff806264bf676-fffff806264bf67a 5 bytes - nt!NtSetInformationWorkerFactory+466 (+0x30)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 45 4a 75 00 ]

fffff806264d29fb-fffff806264d29ff 5 bytes - nt!XpressBuildHuffmanDecodingTable+1bb (+0x13385)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 c0 16 74 00 ]

fffff806264d358f-fffff806264d3593 5 bytes - nt!WarbirdCrypto::CCipherFeistel64::CallRoundFunction+4f (+0xb94)

[ ff e0 cc cc cc:e8 0c 0b 74 00 ]

fffff806264e1e03-fffff806264e1e04 2 bytes - nt!CmpLoadKeyCommon+28b (+0xe874)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff806264e1e0a-fffff806264e1e0e 5 bytes - nt!CmpLoadKeyCommon+292 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 31 34 b0 fc ]

fffff806264e6b83-fffff806264e6b87 5 bytes - nt!MapCmDevicePropertyToRegType+23 (+0x4d79)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 38 d5 72 00 ]

fffff806264ec846-fffff806264ec84a 5 bytes - nt!KiIpiProcessRequests+e6 (+0x5cc3)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 75 78 72 00 ]

fffff806264fe841-fffff806264fe845 5 bytes - nt!SeSetAuditParameter+41 (+0x11ffb)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 7a 58 71 00 ]

fffff80626503794 - nt!HalpRemapVirtualAddress64+44 (+0x4f53)

[ f6:d0 ]

fffff8062652df0e-fffff8062652df12 5 bytes - nt!RtlpUnwindPrologue+ce (+0x2a77a)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 ad 61 6e 00 ]

fffff8062653870f-fffff80626538713 5 bytes - nt!AuthzBasepDuplicateSecurityAttributes+19f (+0xa801)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 ac b9 6d 00 ]

fffff806265624f8 - nt!HalpGetPteAddress+18 (+0x29de9)

[ f6:d0 ]

fffff8062656b159-fffff8062656b15d 5 bytes - nt!CmDevicePropertyWrite+21 (+0x8c61)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 62 8f 6a 00 ]

fffff8062656c5b4-fffff8062656c5b8 5 bytes - nt!PnpRemoveLockedDeviceNode+7c (+0x145b)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 07 7b 6a 00 ]

fffff8062658cfef-fffff8062658cff2 4 bytes - nt!HvcallInitiateHypercall+5f (+0x20a3b)

[ ff d0 0f 1f:e8 ec 72 68 ]

fffff806265b33c5-fffff806265b33c6 2 bytes - nt!ClipInitHandles+45 (+0x263d6)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff806265b33cc-fffff806265b33cf 4 bytes - nt!ClipInitHandles+4c (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 4f 10 66 ]

fffff806265b68da-fffff806265b68db 2 bytes - nt!WheapCheckForAndReportErrorsFromPreviousSession+22 (+0x350e)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff806265b68e1-fffff806265b68e5 5 bytes - nt!WheapCheckForAndReportErrorsFromPreviousSession+29 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 1a b7 ab fc ]

fffff806265b6910-fffff806265b6911 2 bytes - nt!WheapCheckForAndReportErrorsFromPreviousSession+58 (+0x2f)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff806265b6917-fffff806265b691b 5 bytes - nt!WheapCheckForAndReportErrorsFromPreviousSession+5f (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 04 aa ab fc ]

fffff806265b7169 - nt!HalpMmZeroPageWithTemporaryMapping+11 (+0x852)

[ f6:d0 ]

fffff806265b7611 - nt!HalpUnmapVirtualAddress+51 (+0x4a8)

[ f6:d0 ]

fffff806265b77a1 - nt!HalpMap+139 (+0x190)

[ f6:d0 ]

fffff806265b7848-fffff806265b784c 5 bytes - nt!HalpMmGetPteAddressSafe+18 (+0xa7)

[ d0 be 7d fb f6:10 3a 74 e8 d0 ]

fffff806265b786c-fffff806265b786f 4 bytes - nt!HalpMmGetPteAddressSafe+3c (+0x24)

[ a0 7d fb f6:20 74 e8 d0 ]

fffff806265b788d-fffff806265b788e 2 bytes - nt!HalpMmGetPteAddressSafe+5d (+0x21)

[ fb f6:e8 d0 ]

fffff806265b78b2 - nt!HalpMmGetPteAddressSafe+82 (+0x25)

[ f6:d0 ]

fffff806265b78e7-fffff806265b78e8 2 bytes - nt!HalpFlushTLB+7 (+0x35)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff806265b78ee-fffff806265b78f1 4 bytes - nt!HalpFlushTLB+e (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 2d cb 65 ]

fffff806265cc0ed-fffff806265cc0f0 4 bytes - nt!_C_specific_handler+9d (+0x147ff)

[ ff d0 0f 1f:e8 ee 81 64 ]

fffff806265cc1ef-fffff806265cc1f2 4 bytes - nt!_C_specific_handler+19f (+0x102)

[ ff d0 0f 1f:e8 ec 80 64 ]

fffff806265cc280-fffff806265cc282 3 bytes - nt!TmInitSystemPhase2 (+0x91)

[ 48 ff 25:4c 8b 15 ]

fffff806265cc287-fffff806265cc28b 5 bytes - nt!TmInitSystemPhase2+7 (+0x07)

[ cc cc cc cc cc:e9 d4 fd a0 fc ]

fffff806265cc2a0-fffff806265cc2a2 3 bytes - nt!TmInitSystem (+0x19)

[ 48 ff 25:4c 8b 15 ]

fffff806265cc2a7-fffff806265cc2ab 5 bytes - nt!TmInitSystem+7 (+0x07)

[ cc cc cc cc cc:e9 d4 5d a2 fc ]

fffff806265cc2c0-fffff806265cc2c2 3 bytes - nt!NtCommitComplete (+0x19)

[ 48 ff 25:4c 8b 15 ]

fffff806265cc2c7-fffff806265cc2cb 5 bytes - nt!NtCommitComplete+7 (+0x07)

[ cc cc cc cc cc:e9 34 a9 a1 fc ]

fffff806265cc2e0-fffff806265cc2e2 3 bytes - nt!NtCommitEnlistment (+0x19)

[ 48 ff 25:4c 8b 15 ]

fffff806265cc2e7-fffff806265cc2eb 5 bytes - nt!NtCommitEnlistment+7 (+0x07)

[ cc cc cc cc cc:e9 f4 a9 a1 fc ]

fffff806265cc300-fffff806265cc302 3 bytes - nt!NtCommitTransaction (+0x19)

[ 48 ff 25:4c 8b 15 ]

fffff806265cc307-fffff806265cc30b 5 bytes - nt!NtCommitTransaction+7 (+0x07)

[ cc cc cc cc cc:e9 24 f9 a1 fc ]

fffff806265cc320-fffff806265cc322 3 bytes - nt!NtCreateEnlistment (+0x19)

[ 48 ff 25:4c 8b 15 ]

WARNING: !chkimg output was truncated to 50 lines. Invoke !chkimg without '-lo [num_lines]' to view entire output.

Page 4d00 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details

fffff806267c9c5b-fffff806267c9c5f 5 bytes - nt!VrpRegistryCallback+bb

[ ff e2 cc cc cc:e8 80 a4 44 00 ]

fffff806267c9ee0-fffff806267c9ee4 5 bytes - nt!VrpGetContextsForNotifyInfo+40 (+0x285)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 db a1 44 00 ]

fffff806267d0b27-fffff806267d0b28 2 bytes - nt!NtSetSystemInformation+1727 (+0x6c47)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff806267d0b2e-fffff806267d0b32 5 bytes - nt!NtSetSystemInformation+172e (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 ed 04 7f fc ]

fffff806267d7eb6-fffff806267d7eb7 2 bytes - nt!SPCall2ServerInternal+183e (+0x7388)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff806267d7ebd-fffff806267d7ec1 5 bytes - nt!SPCall2ServerInternal+1845 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 fe 28 d9 ff ]

fffff806267dbe19-fffff806267dbe1d 5 bytes - nt!NtQueryInformationProcess+2f9 (+0x3f5c)

[ ff e0 cc cc cc:e8 82 82 43 00 ]

fffff806267dde91-fffff806267dde95 5 bytes - nt!NtQueryInformationProcess+2371 (+0x2078)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 2a 62 43 00 ]

fffff806267e3c22-fffff806267e3c26 5 bytes - nt!BuildQueryDirectoryIrp+1d2 (+0x5d91)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 99 04 43 00 ]

fffff806267e5cd5-fffff806267e5cd9 5 bytes - nt!NtQuerySystemInformation+65 (+0x20b3)

[ ff e2 cc cc cc:e8 06 e4 42 00 ]

fffff806267e5f21-fffff806267e5f25 5 bytes - nt!ExpQuerySystemInformation+131 (+0x24c)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 9a e1 42 00 ]

fffff806267e6017-fffff806267e601b 5 bytes - nt!ExpQuerySystemInformation+227 (+0xf6)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 a4 e0 42 00 ]

fffff806267e6189-fffff806267e618d 5 bytes - nt!ExpQuerySystemInformation+399 (+0x172)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 32 df 42 00 ]

fffff806267e9844-fffff806267e9848 5 bytes - nt!PfQuerySuperfetchInformation+354 (+0x36bb)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 77 a8 42 00 ]

fffff806267e9fb0-fffff806267e9fb4 5 bytes - nt!SeQueryInformationToken+90 (+0x76c)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 0b a1 42 00 ]

fffff806267f58cb-fffff806267f58cf 5 bytes - nt!NtTraceControl+1eb (+0xb91b)

[ ff e0 cc cc cc:e8 d0 e7 41 00 ]

fffff806267f58fd-fffff806267f5901 5 bytes - nt!NtTraceControl+21d (+0x32)

[ ff e2 cc cc cc:e8 de e7 41 00 ]

fffff806267fbbb8-fffff806267fbbbc 5 bytes - nt!NtSetInformationThread+138 (+0x62bb)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 03 85 41 00 ]

fffff806267fbd74-fffff806267fbd78 5 bytes - nt!NtSetInformationThread+2f4 (+0x1bc)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 47 83 41 00 ]

fffff8062680123e-fffff8062680123f 2 bytes - nt!IopRetrieveTransactionParameters+3e (+0x54ca)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626801245-fffff80626801249 5 bytes - nt!IopRetrieveTransactionParameters+45 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 c6 9d 7d fc ]

fffff80626805166-fffff8062680516a 5 bytes - nt!RtlpCombineAcls+566 (+0x3f21)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 55 ef 40 00 ]

fffff806268051b7-fffff806268051bb 5 bytes - nt!RtlpCombineAcls+5b7 (+0x51)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 04 ef 40 00 ]

fffff80626806cbb-fffff80626806cbf 5 bytes - nt!NtQueryInformationToken+11b (+0x1b04)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 00 d4 40 00 ]

fffff80626810a1a-fffff80626810a1e 5 bytes - nt!NtQueryInformationThread+1aa (+0x9d5f)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 a1 36 40 00 ]

fffff806268116a5-fffff806268116a9 5 bytes - nt!FsRtlpOplockFsctrlInternal+4d5 (+0xc8b)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 16 2a 40 00 ]

fffff80626826f6a-fffff80626826f6e 5 bytes - nt!CmpCallCallBacksEx+43a (+0x158c5)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 51 d1 3e 00 ]

fffff80626827141-fffff80626827145 5 bytes - nt!CmpCallbackFillObjectContext+61 (+0x1d7)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 7a cf 3e 00 ]

fffff80626856bd2-fffff80626856bd3 2 bytes - nt!CmpTransReferenceTransaction+42 (+0x2fa91)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626856bd9-fffff80626856bdd 5 bytes - nt!CmpTransReferenceTransaction+49 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 c2 c2 78 fc ]

fffff80626858744-fffff80626858745 2 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+c4 (+0x1b6b)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff8062685874b-fffff8062685874f 5 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+cb (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 70 88 78 fc ]

fffff806268588a6-fffff806268588a7 2 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+226 (+0x15b)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff806268588ad-fffff806268588b1 5 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+22d (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 4e 80 78 fc ]

fffff806268588d6-fffff806268588d7 2 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+256 (+0x29)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff806268588dd-fffff806268588e1 5 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+25d (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 3e 82 78 fc ]

fffff8062685894f-fffff80626858950 2 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+2cf (+0x72)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626858956-fffff8062685895a 5 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+2d6 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 d5 7c 78 fc ]

fffff8062685897d-fffff8062685897e 2 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+2fd (+0x27)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626858984-fffff80626858988 5 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+304 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 57 83 78 fc ]

fffff80626859323-fffff80626859324 2 bytes - nt!CmpStopRMLog+6f (+0x99f)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff8062685932a-fffff8062685932e 5 bytes - nt!CmpStopRMLog+76 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 e1 12 7e fc ]

fffff8062685934a-fffff8062685934b 2 bytes - nt!CmpStopRMLog+96 (+0x20)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626859351-fffff80626859355 5 bytes - nt!CmpStopRMLog+9d (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 aa eb 7c fc ]

fffff8062685935a-fffff8062685935b 2 bytes - nt!CmpStopRMLog+a6 (+0x09)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626859361-fffff80626859365 5 bytes - nt!CmpStopRMLog+ad (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 5a 5e 7e fc ]

fffff8062685a860-fffff8062685a861 2 bytes - nt!CmpInitCmRM+344 (+0x14ff)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff8062685a867-fffff8062685a86b 5 bytes - nt!CmpInitCmRM+34b (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 b4 7c 7d fc ]

fffff8062685a8ad-fffff8062685a8ae 2 bytes - nt!CmpInitCmRM+391 (+0x46)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff8062685a8b4-fffff8062685a8b8 5 bytes - nt!CmpInitCmRM+398 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 d7 21 7e fc ]

WARNING: !chkimg output was truncated to 50 lines. Invoke !chkimg without '-lo [num_lines]' to view entire output.

Page 4d00 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details

Page 4d00 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details

Page 4d00 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details

fffff80626b8f431-fffff80626b8f435 5 bytes - nt!PopHandleNextState+71

[ ff e2 cc cc cc:e8 aa 4c 08 00 ]

fffff80626b8faf5-fffff80626b8faf6 2 bytes - nt!PopSaveHiberContext+115 (+0x6c4)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626b8fafc-fffff80626b8fb00 5 bytes - nt!PopSaveHiberContext+11c (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 df 20 4e fc ]

fffff80626b91325-fffff80626b91326 2 bytes - nt!HalpMcaResumeProcessorConfig+85 (+0x1829)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626b9132c-fffff80626b91330 5 bytes - nt!HalpMcaResumeProcessorConfig+8c (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 8f 02 4e fc ]

fffff80626b9554b-fffff80626b9554c 2 bytes - nt!HalpMcaSetProcessorConfig+93 (+0x421f)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626b95552-fffff80626b95556 5 bytes - nt!HalpMcaSetProcessorConfig+9a (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 a9 cd 4d fc ]

fffff80626b9be16-fffff80626b9be17 2 bytes - nt!HalpInitializeMce+ba (+0x68c4)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626b9be1d-fffff80626b9be21 5 bytes - nt!HalpInitializeMce+c1 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 de 64 4d fc ]

fffff80626b9be2f-fffff80626b9be30 2 bytes - nt!HalpInitializeMce+d3 (+0x12)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626b9be36-fffff80626b9be3a 5 bytes - nt!HalpInitializeMce+da (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 75 68 4d fc ]

fffff80626ba0cd5-fffff80626ba0cd6 2 bytes - nt!HalpAcpiPostSleep+f949 (+0x4e9f)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626ba0cdc-fffff80626ba0ce0 5 bytes - nt!HalpAcpiPostSleep+f950 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 3f 03 42 fc ]

fffff80626ba124a-fffff80626ba124b 2 bytes - nt!HaliLocateHiberRanges+f49a (+0x56e)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626ba1251-fffff80626ba1255 5 bytes - nt!HaliLocateHiberRanges+f4a1 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 1a 09 4d fc ]

fffff80626ba2b93-fffff80626ba2b94 2 bytes - nt!HalpInitializeMce+6e37 (+0x1942)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626ba2b9a-fffff80626ba2b9e 5 bytes - nt!HalpInitializeMce+6e3e (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 31 fb 4c fc ]

fffff80626ba2c0d-fffff80626ba2c0e 2 bytes - nt!HalpInitializeMce+6eb1 (+0x73)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626ba2c14-fffff80626ba2c18 5 bytes - nt!HalpInitializeMce+6eb8 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 f7 fa 4c fc ]

fffff80626bab25c-fffff80626bab25d 2 bytes - nt!KdMarkHiberPhase+34 (+0x8648)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bab263-fffff80626bab267 5 bytes - nt!KdMarkHiberPhase+3b (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 38 5e 41 fc ]

fffff80626bad3c7-fffff80626bad3c8 2 bytes - nt!PopGracefulShutdown+137 (+0x2164)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bad3ce-fffff80626bad3d2 5 bytes - nt!PopGracefulShutdown+13e (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 dd 45 42 fc ]

fffff80626bb2a87-fffff80626bb2a88 2 bytes - nt!KdInitSystem+927

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb2a8e-fffff80626bb2a92 5 bytes - nt!KdInitSystem+92e (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 8d e5 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb3a1d-fffff80626bb3a1e 2 bytes - nt!KdpCloseRemoteFile+ad (+0xf8f)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb3a24-fffff80626bb3a28 5 bytes - nt!KdpCloseRemoteFile+b4 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 47 d6 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb3a70-fffff80626bb3a71 2 bytes - nt!KdpCloseRemoteFile+100 (+0x4c)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb3a77-fffff80626bb3a7b 5 bytes - nt!KdpCloseRemoteFile+107 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 e4 d5 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb3d25-fffff80626bb3d26 2 bytes - nt!KdpCreateRemoteFile+155 (+0x2ae)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb3d2c-fffff80626bb3d30 5 bytes - nt!KdpCreateRemoteFile+15c (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 2f d3 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb3d67-fffff80626bb3d68 2 bytes - nt!KdpCreateRemoteFile+197 (+0x3b)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb3d6e-fffff80626bb3d72 5 bytes - nt!KdpCreateRemoteFile+19e (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 fd d2 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb3ee3-fffff80626bb3ee4 2 bytes - nt!KdpReadRemoteFile+e7 (+0x175)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb3eea-fffff80626bb3eee 5 bytes - nt!KdpReadRemoteFile+ee (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 71 d1 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb3f21-fffff80626bb3f22 2 bytes - nt!KdpReadRemoteFile+125 (+0x37)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb3f28-fffff80626bb3f2c 5 bytes - nt!KdpReadRemoteFile+12c (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 43 d1 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb43d7-fffff80626bb43d8 2 bytes - nt!KdSendTraceData+107 (+0x4af)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb43de-fffff80626bb43e2 5 bytes - nt!KdSendTraceData+10e (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 7d cc 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb4532-fffff80626bb4533 2 bytes - nt!KdpFillMemory+102 (+0x154)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb4539-fffff80626bb453d 5 bytes - nt!KdpFillMemory+109 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 22 cb 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb4604-fffff80626bb4605 2 bytes - nt!KdpGetBusData+a4 (+0xcb)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb460b-fffff80626bb460f 5 bytes - nt!KdpGetBusData+ab (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 50 ca 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb4796-fffff80626bb4797 2 bytes - nt!KdpQueryMemory+7a (+0x18b)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb479d-fffff80626bb47a1 5 bytes - nt!KdpQueryMemory+81 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 be c8 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb484d-fffff80626bb484e 2 bytes - nt!KdpReadControlSpace+99 (+0xb0)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb4854-fffff80626bb4858 5 bytes - nt!KdpReadControlSpace+a0 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 07 c8 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb4997-fffff80626bb4998 2 bytes - nt!KdpReadPhysicalMemory+127 (+0x143)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb499e-fffff80626bb49a2 5 bytes - nt!KdpReadPhysicalMemory+12e (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 bd c6 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb4b24-fffff80626bb4b25 2 bytes - nt!KdpReadVirtualMemory+a0 (+0x186)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb4b2b-fffff80626bb4b2f 5 bytes - nt!KdpReadVirtualMemory+a7 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 30 c5 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb4fe1-fffff80626bb4fe2 2 bytes - nt!KdpRestoreBreakPointEx+d9 (+0x4b6)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb4fe8-fffff80626bb4fec 5 bytes - nt!KdpRestoreBreakPointEx+e0 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 73 c0 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb51f5-fffff80626bb51f6 2 bytes - nt!KdpSearchMemory+1dd (+0x20d)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb51fc-fffff80626bb5200 5 bytes - nt!KdpSearchMemory+1e4 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 5f be 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb5597-fffff80626bb5598 2 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+a3 (+0x39b)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb559e-fffff80626bb55a2 5 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+aa (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 bd ba 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb55e1-fffff80626bb55e2 2 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+ed (+0x43)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb55e8-fffff80626bb55ec 5 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+f4 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 83 ba 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb561d-fffff80626bb5621 5 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+129 (+0x35)

[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 9e ea 05 00 ]

fffff80626bb5b67-fffff80626bb5b68 2 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+673 (+0x54a)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb5b6e-fffff80626bb5b72 5 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+67a (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 ed b4 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb5b86-fffff80626bb5b87 2 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+692 (+0x18)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb5b8d-fffff80626bb5b91 5 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+699 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 ce b4 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb5d61-fffff80626bb5d62 2 bytes - nt!KdpSetBusData+71 (+0x1d4)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb5d68-fffff80626bb5d6c 5 bytes - nt!KdpSetBusData+78 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 f3 b2 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb5e29-fffff80626bb5e2a 2 bytes - nt!KdpSetContext+ad (+0xc1)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb5e30-fffff80626bb5e34 5 bytes - nt!KdpSetContext+b4 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 2b b2 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb61de-fffff80626bb61df 2 bytes - nt!KdpWriteBreakPointEx+14e (+0x3ae)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb61e5-fffff80626bb61e9 5 bytes - nt!KdpWriteBreakPointEx+155 (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 76 ae 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb6213-fffff80626bb6214 2 bytes - nt!KdpWriteBreakPointEx+183 (+0x2e)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

fffff80626bb621a-fffff80626bb621e 5 bytes - nt!KdpWriteBreakPointEx+18a (+0x07)

[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 41 ae 40 fc ]

fffff80626bb62c0-fffff80626bb62c1 2 bytes - nt!KdpWriteControlSpace+6c (+0xa6)

[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]

WARNING: !chkimg output was truncated to 50 lines. Invoke !chkimg without '-lo [num_lines]' to view entire output.

3119 errors : !nt (fffff80626331621-fffff80626bb79ab)

MODULE_NAME: memory_corruption

IMAGE_NAME: memory_corruption

FOLLOWUP_NAME: memory_corruption






TARGET_TIME: 2021-04-14T17:14:47.000Z

OSBUILD: 19041







OSNAME: Windows 10

OSEDITION: Windows 10 WinNt TerminalServer SingleUserTS Personal



OSBUILD_TIMESTAMP: 1977-10-11 09:04:26


BUILDLAB_STR: vb_release

BUILDOSVER_STR: 10.0.19041.1.amd64fre.vb_release.191206-1406



FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING: km:memory_corruption_large

FAILURE_ID_HASH: {e29154ac-69a4-0eb8-172a-a860f73c0a3c}

Followup: memory_corruption


3: kd> .trap 0xffffe30870fb15c0

NOTE: The trap frame does not contain all registers.

Some register values may be zeroed or incorrect.

rax=0000000000008080 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=0000000000000008

rdx=ffff808111b48e10 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000

rip=fffff806264a56b7 rsp=ffffe30870fb1750 rbp=0000000000000000

r8=0000000000000000 r9=ffff8081102a3080 r10=0000fffff8062683

r11=ffff86faca200000 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000

r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000

iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc


fffff806`264a56b7 0fb74b22 movzx ecx,word ptr [rbx+22h] ds:00000000`00000022=????

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