Windows 7 BSOD no Cursor, Task Manager, Task Bar, or Start Menu. I think my system Registry is...

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No Matter what, my Windows 7 Ultimate will not work with me!

I will start this question with explaining the problem I am having, after, I will advise you how it happened and started, then explain what I have tried to fix my system. After explaining this, I will have my questions listed at the end.

This is pretty in depth, so please bear with me.

The Issue:

- My Windows 7 Ultimate will only boot with a Black Screen. While on this Black screen, I cannot access the Task Manager, Start Menu, Taskbar, and the Cursor will not move when I move the mouse.

- When I start the system, it starts with the boot menu options, such as F1, F2, F8, and F10, then goes to a boot screen.

- This boot screen asks if I would like to Start my System in Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking, and Start Windows Normally.

-No matter which option I choose, the system boots in Safe Mode, but I still have no access or way to navigate through the system, whatsoever.

-It will not let me start the system normally.

- It always leads to the same outcome every time: A Black Screen with no working functions.

- I DO NOT have a recovery disk, recovery software downloaded, the product number from the first initial purchase, or a backup of my computer on a separate drive.

-I think I may have accidentally deleted critical assets in the System Registry and have not found a way to fix it from the main boot menu yet.

-I have no funds to take it to a computer repair shop or buy a whole new version of Windows 7.

When It Started:

-This problem started 2 weeks ago, when I was browsing the internet. Apparently, I had come across a site that had viruses on it.

-My system had started to download software that I did not authorize and wouldn’t stop from there. Then, my internet connection got slower and random toolbars showed up on my desktop.

-My system started running slowly, the internet browsers would not open, and I couldn’t access anything on my computer without multiple programs downloading.

What I have tried to fix the issue:

-I would like to state that I have done extensive research on this, for the past 2 weeks, but it seems like people have a similar problem to me, but they are able to access their task manager and start menu. Unfortunately, I cannot do this, so I need an answer specific to my problem.

-At first, I had tried deleting the Malware from the system files, such as app data and folders like that. They kept redownloading. So then I went into Safe Mode to manually stop the programs from starting, closing them from the Task Manager and deleting all new/unknown programs from the folders stated above.

-I tried deleting the programs from the Safe mode, but couldn’t delete some because I had to have Networking available. Tried Safe Mode with Networking, but the programs kept popping up or advising me they could not remove the program because it was in use, by who knows what.

-When this did not work, I started to research what I need to do to stop this and delete the programs permanently.

-I learned that I can recover my system to a previous version, so I attempted this in “System Recovery”. Unfortunately, I was too late when I tried this. The oldest recorded system recovery option was 30 minutes after the Malware was downloaded onto my computer, so I tried something else.

-I found a program, AutoRuns that would stop the Malware from starting when the system started. I used that Program, but they kept downloading other software. I also found a program that would let me see who was “Listening” to my computer, so I can see what kind of programs or person was hacking my computer.

-I stopped all of the known Malware programs in my services, processes, autoruns, and task manager, but they kept automatically starting!

-These programs didn’t help me get rid of the programs, so I figured out how to locate and delete the programs from my system registry.

-I had spent a lot of time finding the Malware, deleting it, and my system was a little faster, but the programs kept downloading and making my computer slow.

-I tried to delete the Malware from the Registry in Safe Mode, as well, but some of the programs would not allow me to delete them because they were in use, even though I had thought I stopped them from running at all.

-So I spent hours in the System Registry, deleted files I knew were corrupt, then restarted my computer to make sure all the programs were off of the computer…..

-That is when the Black Screen of Death started and I could not navigate through my system.

- My first thought was “Oh no, did I delete a critical file from the Registry?”

-From here I am unable to do anything on my system, except access the boot menu options from the initial start up screen, before it is supposed to go to the start up screen.

-I researched the BSOD and what I can do to fix this issue.

-I have the computer boot in Safe Mode, while on the BSOD, I have tried CTRL-ALT-DEL, CTRL-ALT-ESC, and holding down the shift bar to see if it brings up my sticky keys menu, but nothing happens. I basically cannot do anything in my computer from here, which most people at least get a task bar.

-I have attempted an in depth system scan, with F6 multiple times, but it doesn’t show any problems.

-I have tried to start the computer from the “Last Known Working/Stable” condition from holding F8 down on startup. still leads me to a BSOD with no access or system navigation at all.

-I have tried all of the F## options and went through the system from those menus to see if there is anything I can do to fix this issue, but nothing is working for me.

-I have tried to restore the system from the boot menu, But I do not have the recovery disk or program at this time and it will not let me go any further unless I have a recovery disk or USB. It tells me to contact the systems ADMIN or Technical Support.

I have literally tried everything to fix this system but nothing is helping, except downloading a recovery software.

Here are my questions

  • Are there FREE recovery softwares that I can download online and put on my USB?

  • If there is a software that can fix my problem, that will not mess with my data I have on the computer?

  • Is there a way to fix the system registry without downloading a software to fix my system?

  • If there is a FREE downloadable software, would it let me boot my system from the USB it is on?

  • Is there a way to get the system back to where it was before the Viruses without having a backup or saved system recovery file?

  • Can I fix the system registry from any of the Boot Menu Options?

  • Do you think anything else could be causing this issue?

  • Can I fix my Windows 7 Ultimate without having to download a new version of Windows 7 or buying something new?

  • Is there a way to fix my computer without losing all my data?

  • Can I backup my system on an external hard drive from the boot menu?

  • What should I do from here?

I know this is pretty in depth, but I wanted to let you know that I have REALLY been trying to figure this out on my own, but cannot seem to find the right recovery program, options, or steps to save me from my Black Screen of Death. This is my last hope since I have had this problem for 2 weeks.

Thank you so much for reading this and getting back to me, I really appreciate it.

If you have any more questions about what I did, please ask me so I can answer more thoroughly.

Again, Thanks.

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