Windows 10 Cannot connect to Ubuntu server from Windows 10 via ssh

  • Thread starter Thread starter MzHur
  • Start date Start date



I have a raspberry pie running ubuntu server 2020 and would like to connect to it via ssh directly from Windows 10. In order, for instance, to mount an ftp and view, edit directly files with vscode or atom (without going through WSL).

While I have no problem connecting to it from WSL (Ubuntu) after configuration; I cannot directly from Windows 10.

From WSL, everything works seamless: short ping, stable ssh connection with authentication.
From Windows, ssh -vvv command fails (debug3: finish_connect - ERROR: async io completed with error: 10013), ping fails (General Failure), Putty as well (Network error: permission denied)

Tried so far all the following:
- Reinstall openssh on windows following this guide Installation of OpenSSH For Windows Server,
- Network and Firewall reset,

- Deactivating anti-virus,

- Adding Port 22 Exception Rules to Firewall for TCP communication (Inbound & Outbound)

Raspberry is on same private network (192.168.X), and discovery is allowed on windows side.

Many posts can be found with similar issues, so it must be common; but every answer I found so far did not work in my case.

Any help is welcome if you know where the issue could be. Many thanks in advance

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