Windows 7 cannot see pointer icon when make application go to full screen currently Windows 7 x64 Ultimate but that not the issue thanks

  • Thread starter Thread starter DragonAstaXiel
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I do not recall when this took place, or what caused it to happen
all I do know is many many people report exactly that/this issue, yet not everyone seems to be effected by it all the time either which is doubly odd?

Basic problem is just that.
certain application make the little mouse pointer or similar icon(s) completely go invisible (sometimes even text)
but only when the application/game is either set to run in full screen mode implicitly (with full control rights when run as admin I would assume this takes place? even then I seen happen in full guest only access)

if you alt+enter to force to window pointers magically reappear, so it begs the question, why in the bloody moons would applications have full screen as an option if it makes actually using the application more or less impossible (you cannot see the darn pointer)

All the "fixes" as turn off pointer trails, uncheck hide when typing and all that stuff basically do nothing, they just make my "normal" experience much less the way I want it (I love Win 7 for its Aero effects and such, is gorgeous piece of software, Win 10 would be honored to replicate what Win 7 did that it cannot do in my opinion...mostly Windows Aero from 7 (the ability to have the hue etc of task bars look natural vs solid pastel/flats

anyways. I am not sure of the solution, every thread on every site I go to basically states the same thing
much like the response given on how to curb with rash of improper handling of email spam (add this filter, delete, a day later same website address but different name, or, being mailed from yourself to some trash site designed to take all you have, ummmmmm they can send a man to the moon, but they cannot make Daemon be intelligent enough to require sanity checks to prohibit "robot control"


I am still looking for the solution as it stands today....

I just want to play my games in full screen properly, at the resolution I should be playing at and be able to adjust the size of icons and the like so my eyes can comfortably use computers in general. it is on my bucket list and all that.

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