Windows 11 Canstant BSODs with different stopcodes.

  • Thread starter Thread starter OluwasegunfunmiOgun
  • Start date Start date


I have been getting BSoDs on my laptop for a while now especially but not limited to when I'm gaming. I've updated my BIOS, drivers, Gigabyte control center display and network drivers all to the latest version. I've also installed the latest windows 11 updates. I've tried to find the cause(most likely a faulty driver) but with no success.I've been getting BSoD stop codes like - "irql_not_less_or_equal" , "hypervisor_error" , "nmi_hardware_failure" , "Page_fault_in_nonpaged_area" , "Kmode_exception_not_handled". And the past week i have gotten new ones like "maximum_wait_objects_exceeded", "ex

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