Windows 10 chkdsk instantly completes when restarting

  • Thread starter Thread starter raphaelm15
  • Start date Start date


While playing a game, my pc froze and I had to power it off forcefully. Subsequent restarts showed the chkdsk process initiating at boot with the usual countdown frame in case I want to skip it. When it finishes, the chkdsk process that usually shows progress within 3 stages does not appear. Instead, I'm just brought to my login screen and I'm able to sign-in properly. Apparently, my C: drive has been marked with the dirty bit when I checked it through:

  • fsutil dirty query c:

chkdsk still kept initiating and autocompleting during restarts even after executing:

  • chkdsk /f /r c:

(This did not run right away since it was prompting that my drive was locked and in use, so I had to restart my pc)

Later, I ran the following commands after some research:

at normal boot (admin cmd prompt)

  • [COLOR=rgba(30, 30, 30, 1)]DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth[/COLOR] (success)
  • [COLOR=rgba(30, 30, 30, 1)]sfc /scannow (success, found issues and fixed them)[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgba(30, 30, 30, 1)]at [[/COLOR]Troubleshoot - Advanced Options -Command Prompt]

  • chkdsk c: /r (success, no issues found)

After these, chkdsk no longer initiates every restart. However,

  • if I intentionally set it to run at boot, it still does the same thing - which is autocomplete after the countdown without going through the stages.
  • doing fsutil dirty query c: at normal/safe mode boot still shows that my C: drive is dirty
  • right clicking my drive at file explorer [then Tools > Check] still informs me that the drive still has errors and prompts a chkdsk at restart
  • doing fsutil dirty query c: at [Troubleshoot - Advanced Options -Command Prompt] shows that my C: drive is NOT dirty which is weird

Basically, I'm hoping someone could:

  • Help me properly get rid of the dirty bit that just shows at normal/safe mode boot
  • Help me get my chkdsk back to doing its usual scans (with the 3 stages)

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