Windows 10 Computer non functional after updating to 1809 from 1709

  • Thread starter Thread starter aslakkvarstein
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UPDATE: After being in contact with ASUS and Intel which both recommended I run Memtest86, which produced a lot of errors. I have been in contact with Corsair, and am currently in the process of doing an RMA for the memory modules with them. I have sent them the modules, but I have not yet gotten the new modules. I will see if my problems are resolved by getting new modules. I don't know myself what can cause errors (A LOT) of them to occur when testing memory with Memtest86, if it only checks the memory, or also has the potential of producing errors if there's something wrong with the CPU or motherboard. I'll have to see if the problems are resolved when I get the new set of memory modules from Corsair in some days.

Hello, this will be quite a long post. I will provide information regarding my computer hardware, and troubleshooting steps that have been attempted in resolving my issue. Unfortunately nothing that I have done so far has resolved the issues that I have been experiencing.

Computer hardware and current driver configuration.

Motherboard: Asus Z170 Pro Gaming

Processor: Intel i7 6700k 4.2 ghz

Memory: Corsair CMK16GX4M1D3000C16, running 2133mhz (fairly certain this is the specific model)

Graphics Card: GEFORCE GTX 1080 GAMING 8G MSI

SSD Windows drive: SAMSUNG 960 EVO 500GB (Formatted clean install with every version of windows I have tried)

The problem I have been experiencing with my computer started on Tuesday as I decided to update my computer from Windows 10 64 bit, Build 1709 16299 to the latest available 1809 build released in January 2019. This I decided to update due to the fact that I have a G-Sync compatible monitor, and wanted to see if I could try out the newly supported function that would let you enable G-Sync on compatible A-sync monitors.

I manually searched for updates using windows update, and started the installation. After the computer restarted and was finalizing the installation the computer had a blue screen, which I unfortunately was not able to document due to my attention being elsewhere. But after restarting the computer seemingly functioned, and the Windows 10 64bit, Build 1809 17763 was installed. This I confirmed by running "winver".

This is where my troubles began. I started experiencing various blue screens happening. One of them being "Stop code: SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION" "What failed: FLTMGR.SYS"

Other issues I was experiencing was certain programs like Black Ops 4 would simply close out. The computer would also decide to restart at random without any blue screen.

With these blue screens happening every few minutes, (probably Memory_Management as well) I decided to run some tests. Scanning the drive for issues didn't come up with any results, neither did running a memory test.

So I decided to contact Microsoft support and explained to them (in better detail as I had all the blue screen information etc available) what was happening to my computer. At this point I had updated the every driver on my computer with the respective driver provider on their website to get the latest version available. This also did not resolve my issue. I was in contact with several representatives, but I will cover what we tried out each time I was getting help. On Tuesday the representative decided to look around and check out some things in Windows, then conluded (after running sfc /scannow) that there was some incompatibility issues/drivers that were causing me to have the Memory_Management blue screen every few minutes). He decided to run a memory test (which I had done before with now errors) with it also checking it with every driver on my computer. This test would run, then produce a blue screen and restart. Which at this point I was going to give the representative the blue screen information. But this is not quite what happened.

The memory test ran, and gave me information that there were no errors found. Then the blue screen happened with this information: "Stop code: DRIVER VERIFIER IOMANAGER VIOLATION". Then the computer would restart and go straight into Automatic Repair, but was unable to repair my computer giving me this message. "Log file: E://Windows/System32/Logfiles/Srt/SrtTrail.txt" - Then the system would cycle without stop going from the blue screen to this message over and over with every restart. I was only able to reach the desktop by going into safemode. While I was there I went and looked at the file in System32 that was produced, and found it contained some information on a realtek driver that was faulty, as well as a .dll file.

At this point I contacted Microsoft support on my laptop, as in safe mode there is no way to get in contact with them. Even if you are running safe mode with networking. The representative and I troubleshooted, and looked at what options I had at this point. Due to the computer being stuck in a blue screen loop, and given the information about my poor experience running 1809, we concluded that I was going to get a Windows 10 64 bit 1803 ISO file, which I did. I produced a bootable memory stick with this ISO file, and performed a clean installation of Windows 10 64 bit 1803 as provided by Microsoft. This time there was no corruption during the installation. So I had my hopes up that my computer would be able to run properly now that I was on an older version of Windows 10. This unfortunately turned out not to be the case.

Not only did my computer continue to have the Memory_Management blue screen when moving files around, opening programs etc etc. But it would also have programs randomly shutting down, (especially black ops 4), and a weird internet issue. For example if I was downloading a game from GOG, if I didn anything else network related this download would fail and ask me to "retry" which when pressed the download would start again. After updating all drivers, and network drivers from intel this issue still persisted. Well, all of the issues and more persisted. There were random shut downs, and blue screens that I were not able to document. But the majority on 1803 was memory_management blue screen.

At this point I contact Microsoft support again about my issues, getting them up to speed about the steps I had been taking with the previous representative. During this conversation the representative talked to me and recommended (I had to go to bed, so he sent me an email with steps to take) that I go through every single driver on the computer to ensure that they were all up to date. These steps included removing any and all drivers on the computer, to ensure a clean installation. These steps were followed, but unfortunately the issues persisted.

So I decide, the Windows Update installation of 1809 must have been corrupted due to the interruption during finalizing the installation. Maybe if I clean install 1809 with the ISO provided by Microsoft and remove drivers + install all the latest drivers as provided by Intel, Nvidia, corsair etc etc the issues should probably finally get resolved. Unfortunately none of this resolved my issues. Now my computer is running a version of 1809, but is unable to update to the 1809 17763 version of this build because windows update has conluded that my windows is up to date.

At this point I have no idea what to do. As microsoft has no official way to provide me with a ISO file of the Windows 10 build that I had installed before experiencing all of these issues. - I have however decided to contact Intel, Asus, Corsair, Nvidia and asking them to give me information on wether the products that I have are compatible with the latest 1809 17763 Windows 10 build.

Intel have confirmed that the processor with compatible memory (the memory is on their spec sheet) should have no issues running the latest Windows 10 with drivers installed as provided on the Intel support page for my particular processor.

Nvidia and Corsair I have not contacted, but wouldn't expect the issues I am experiencing to be the result of incompatibility on their part, unless it was that I had super old drivers. Which I do not, I have the latest nvidia driver. And latest chipset from Intel.

When it comes to the Asus motherboard, I have the latest bios installed as provided by their support page for my model. I have also made sure that any drivers I have installed from Intel etc are either newer or the same as provided by Asus on their Z170 Pro Gaming motherboard support page. I have sent Asus an email regarding my issues, and asking for them to give me information regarding which versions of Windows 10 my particular motherboard supports.

The difficult position I have been put in now, is that if I want to install a version of Windows 10 that I do know functions with my particular hardware configuration, but that I would have to pirate online from a sketchy 3rd party website due to Microsoft not being able to provide any ISO file older than 1803 Windows 10 version. So this is not a real fix to my issues. All of my computer parts are within warranty. The motherboard which I have my suspicions as being the cause of why the system is unstable on 1803 and 1809 does have a sticker on the box that the motherboard game with that says it supports Windows 10. So I was thinking if one of my options would be to figure out if there is indeed incompatibility issues, and in that case use my warranty for whichever computer parts that would be necessary to replace with newer models that support the latest Windows 10 updates unless it would be possible for the respective manufacturers to provide software support to support Windows 10 as specified on the product page, and also on the packaging I have. (with the motherboard most likely being the issue, as they could have stopped providing updates, or the processor having suffered some damage. Though I highly doubt the processor has suffered damage, as only 4 days ago the computer functioned 100% with the same specification on the 1709 Windows 10 build).

I hope any of this makes sense. What I wanted to ask was if anyone here actually knows about a known fix to my described issues, or if I should get in contact with any of the manufacturers of the computer parts about getting a replacement. This especially with the motherboard that I suspect does not support the latest Windows 10 versions, and is the root cause of the instability issues that I am experiencing on both 1803 and now on 1809, as on the motherboard box it says it supports Windows 10 all over it.

Best regards, Aslak

- If anymore information should be necessary for you to provide me with advice, I will happily provide anything that I can give.

Originally posted this to the Norwegian microsoft community by mistake, posting it here instead as it might be easier to get potential solutions to my problem.

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