Windows 10 Computer stutters and crashes.

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Sort of a complex situation going on here.

About a month ago, GPU failed or at least I think it did (card was a GTX 770). Crashed the computer with artifacting and all kinds of crazy visual gitching. Restarting with that same card resulted in the computer BSODing after 10-15 minutes of stuttering from very light use (computer was more or less unusable). Going into safe mode was the only way that I could run the machine with that card still inside of it. Tried everything from using ddu to remove the GPU drivers/installing older/newer ones, running linux/benchmarks/virus scans to pulling apart the computer and checking for physical damage (even reinstalling windows a couple times). In the end, I determined that either my PSU was failing and it wasn't giving enough power to the GPU during high loads or the GPU was fried (or some combination of both). I took the card out and replaced it with an old gtx 560ti that I had lying around and the machine seemed to be relatively stable. The computer felt slower then it should be but at least there were no more BSOD errors.

I do a lot of video editing, GPU intensive computations and gaming so naturally I determined that I absolutely needed to get a new GPU. I got the GPU just yesterday (Radeon Rx 590). I put the card in and everything seemed about the same. About 12 hours into working on the machine I started noticing small stutters during normal operation (web browsing, word processing etc), programs would randomly hang before resuming operation. Running games seemed to work fine; was able to play GPU intensive games without issue (no unexpected FPS drops) until about an hour ago when one game froze. It threw up a BSOD and from what I could gather before it restarted, it seemed like a GPU driver malfunction. I can't know for sure what the BSOD error codes were for this crash because for some reason the computer didn't make a dump file.

Basically at this point, I am pretty confident that I have a hardware problem but I need to determine what piece of hardware is malfunctioning. I am suspecting the PSU but diagnosing a PSU failure is pretty complex and not easily done via software means (don't have a multimeter either). It is of course possible that the problem could be something like the memory or the motherboard but again, I am having trouble finding out exactly whats going on. Putting a higher power GPU into the machine seems to initiate the problems (or at least make them bad enough to cause a failure). I guess its possible that this is just a driver issue from putting the AMD card in my machine but that feels like too much of a coincidence at this point.

I need to figure this out fairly quickly so I can decide whether or not I should return this GPU. If it is the PSU or the Mobo, then its possible that the older gtx 770 is still in workable condition. I do have plans to replace the computer some time soon but I currently am short on cash and simply can't swing it just yet, I also happen to be a software developer so I would rather not lose my only machine.

Does any one have any constructive feedback or suggestions?

AMD Fx8350

M5A99FX PRO R2.0

Radeon Rx 590

32 GB DDR3

Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

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