Windows 10 Computer will constantly freeze at second windows boot wheel

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sage Eric
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Sage Eric

I'm beyond frustrated and I've run out of patience and ideas on how to fix this I apologize in advance for the long wall of text you're about to read but I'm at my wits end and I'm all out of ideas on how to fix this issue as I've tried literally every fix available both on these forums and the internet in general for this vastly complex issue. I first encountered this problem a little over a year ago but it didn't start becoming a serious issue until around 7-8 months ago only getting significantly worse and happening more frequently as time goes on. Before I get into the issue at hand let me first detail the specs for my system back when I I first built this custom desktop rig in early 2011 up until recently my specs were were as follows:

Gpu: Amd Radeon 7770 ghz edition 1 gb (upgraded to rx 560 aero itx 4gb oc 6 months ago)

ram: 16gb ddr3 gskill gaming ram, (upgraded to 8gb ddr4 2400 MHz gaming ram 1 month ago)

Mobo: some cheap gigabyte motherboard (can't remember the name) upgraded to b360m-HDV one month ago.

Cpu: And phenom II x4 965 black edition 3.4 ghz (upgraded to i3 8100 one month ago)

Power supply: 700 watt mod xstream-pro

Hard drive: 500gb seagate barracuda (I believe this was the hard drive)

Os: windows 7 ultimate (upgraded to windows 10 as soon as the free upgrade came out)

The problem: a little over a year ago possibly a year and a half ago I turned on my computer and everything started up as it normally would however I was soon staring at a frozen circle of dots (specifically the second wheel of dots you see after loading past the windows 10 logo with the first circle of dots). After a few more restarts the computer started up normally and everything worked as normal, or so I thought. 7-8 months ago I was encountered with the problem again however this time it took around 30 minutes of constantly restarting or hard turning off my computer to get past this screen. A couple weeks after this second incident happened I upgraded to what is now my current Gpu: Radeon rx 560 aero itx gb oc edition. A few days after installing my new gpu is when I was again faced with my problem however it was much more complex and harder to "fix" then before, it took hours instead of a half an hour to boot up, during the time leading up to successful boot I tried several other methods of trying to fix the issue. It was during this time that I realized the problem was far more complex and serious then I had first thought. I could boot up into safe mode successfully after getting the trouble shooter windows presents you after 3 unsuccessful boots in a row, but windows would not accept my correct password (however when it finally successfully booted normally it would as if there was no issue whatsoever, it would also accept my same exact Microsoft password on my laptop which is also running windows 10). The start up repair, command prompt, system restore and every other trouble shooting tool that required my password would not work (again even though it was the correct password). After a couple hours I finally decided to try using windows installation media on a USB and booting from it to see if it would fix the issue, I was able to use any trouble shooting tool including system repair (although it would still fail after a few seconds) along with system restore. I fixed the problem (or so I thought) by doing a system restore, after 30 minutes of again restarting and hard powering off and on my desktop it booted normally. Everything was okay for around a month maybe 2, I had no issues whatsoever but then I downloaded a windows update along with driver updates. During the reboot phase of the windows update (around 95% or so) my computer froze after waiting an hour I restarted it and upon restarting I had the same issue frozen at second windows dot circle. This time however it took me the entire weekend for a total of 20 hours to "fix" the issue. I spent around 12 hours the first day doing nothing but restarting or powering off/on my computer to no avail or using windows installation media using the various troubleshooting tools (as again it wouldn't accept my correct password if I used the normal trouble shooter that appears after 3 unsuccessful boots) along with doing multiple system restores through the tool again to no avail. I went to bed frustrated and decided to leave the computer on at the frozen screen thinking it would sort itself out when I woke up. The next day the screen was of course still frozen, after doing pretty much the same restart or power on and off routine it finally booted normally but with the added bonus of saying the system restore was successful and my personal favourite: windows failed to install the update. Fast forward another few days same issue after my computer automatically tried to install the new windows update, by this point I was convinced the problem was the windows update itself so I bit the bullet and decided to install the update via windows installation media, after it installed and a few more hours of the same old restarting and powering on and off it finally booted successfully without freezing during the second windows loading wheel and the update was finally installed successfully. I had the problem multiple times in the coming weeks and months with it eventually sorting itself out after hours or days of doing the restart and powering off and on process however things that would once work would no longer work anymore: system restore would no longer work via installation media and fail every time I tried it, startup repair would not even open anymore instead of failing a couple seconds into launching. It was by this point I noticed that if I turned off my monitor anytime my computer froze and then turned it back on instead of returning to the frozen screen my screen would be a bright light green colour. After doing a bit a research the problem pointed to two possible things 1. Either my motherboard was dying or 2. My hard drive was dying or in poor health. So I went out and purchased a brand new 1tb Seagate sata hard drive, after hours of frustration irritation and trouble shooting I was able to install windows onto it and transfer over all my old files data pictures etc to it using it as my primary drive while my 500gb drive was now my secondary drive. Fast forward to around a month ago from the date of this posting, I had the problem at least 8 more times and was getting extremely frustrated and worried that I would never fix this issue and that every time I booted up I would be faced with the dreaded frozen windows wheel. I figured that the issue was probably a motherboard related issue and that I needed to upgrade anyway so I went out and bought a new motherboard and cpu. The motherboard is a b360m-HDV and the computer is a i3-8100, it worked perfectly for around a week no issues whatsoever! But then one day after finally gathering enough courage to install all necessary drivers I was again faced with the issue. By this point I was beyond furious and was convinced that my copy of Windows was somehow corrupted or that my old hard drive was the issue. Because the normal troubleshooting screen does not accept my password for any of the available tools I had to again use the installation media however I now had the added bonus issue that I wasn't able to revert to previous versions of Windows through the installation media or do system restores along with installing windows in general. I tried various fixes for this issue I hadn't tried before through the installation media, various commands through the command prompt to no avail testing to see if any of my cords were faulty testing each part of my build one by one in a different rig to see if it was the issue and unplugging my secondary hard drive completely all to no success whatsoever. I finally had enough and since through the normal trouble shooter it would not accept my password (even though it's correct!) Or any of the tools through windows installation media no longer worked I decided I had no choice but to do a complete system reset which deleted all data and files off my hard drive and did a fresh install of windows, it of course crashed after this had finished completing and I was left with the same problem. After another couple system resets along with 7+ years of photos videos and memories gone along with of course all my data the computer finally booted normally. After installing all required drivers and windows updates it again froze during the restart. After finally booting normally here I am the only difference now being that instead of this issue happening every couple months or a few times a month it's now every time I turn off the computer. The issue fixes itself sometimes after minutes but mostly after hours or days of restarting and powering on and off. I've tried every single fix in the book but nothing has fully fixed this problem I'm frustrated and no longer have any patience what can I do to fix this problem? Even though I can't afford it I'm seriously considering bringing my rig into a computer repair place but I'm worried that not only they won't fix the issue but the first time it boots successfully they will consider it fixed and charge me a fortune. I'm also considering it might be a psu issue as I've had the same psu since 2011 but I can't currently afford a new psu Other things I have tried but haven't worked are: switching in different hard drives.

Various command prompt commands via installation media

Unplugging all connected devices and booting computer

Unplugging my disk drive

Various system resets (not doing this again)

Windows install where I keep my files through installation media on the rare times my computer does boot normally but it crashes during the 90 ish % mark only to have a repeat of the issue.

Trying out different gpus along with my old one

Other unmentioned issues: via the normal Windows trouble shooter and not the windows installation media I can boot normally to safe mode but not safe mode with net working or debugging (it crashes at same point as it does when I normally boot)

Does anyone have any advice for me? I'm seriously considering throwing this in the trash as it's easily cost me hundreds of hours by this point of pointless troubleshooting only to have no results or permanent fix in sight. At the time I'm typing this I've spent at least three hours doing the usual troubleshoots to no avail as I had to install driver updates and tried doing a fresh windows reinstall while keeping my files via windows installation media on my desktop as I couldn't install windows networking 3.5 driver, only for it to crash at the usual 90 ish percent. Sorry for the huge read, in all my years of using computers I've never ever had this issue I'm seriously considering boycotting Microsoft at this point as I'm that frustrated.

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