Windows 10 denuded copy of Win 10 Pro

  • Thread starter Thread starter E.V.Purcel
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I'm posting because I bought a computer with Win 10 Pro that has turned out to be a nightmare. I specifically looked for Win 10 Pro so I would have a better operating system this time than I had with home. Having used Win 10 home for the past three years, I'm familiar with the operating system, but the current version seems to have been stripped of many of the useful programs that my previous Win 10 had, like the zip program in the context menu, the photo viewer that was in the context menu, the windows games. All these things were there! Now I have a bios which is no longer called Bios, it's now called Settings. If you change the boot order so that usb is the first bootable device and then happen to have a usb stick in one of the usb ports when you turn it on, the computer gives you either an invalid partition table error or a media partition failure and won't boot at all.

Is this normal?

I don't mind changes for the better, but I'm really unhappy to have to spend a week trying to get the simplest things to work while knowing I don't have that many weeks left in my life to learn new workarounds so I can use my computer, I'm wondering why Microsoft took a great functioning Win7 and introduced a Win10 (the Final Product) that could only be used if you modified it and then modified it and once again modified it and spend hours waiting for it to get through all its background activities that don't do anything to promote anyone's computer experience.

Imagine: If I go to the room where my scale is located, I weigh myself. If I go to the room where my scale is located and step on it and it gives me a message that the scale is now a third-party scale and if I want to use it, I need to go to the controlling person who lives three houses down the block and be sure to check the time when the scale is available, take my id for security reasons, and register for the use of the scale. If I then do all these things, I then come into a menu where it wants to know if I want to have the weight in terms of daytime or nighttime weight, do I want a record kept, do I want the weight in kilos or lbs, should the lbs be British royal lbs or U.S. lbs, to how many decimal points should the lbs be set, oh, and this is a free trial which lasts for 30 days ... well, then I quit weighing myself, because I want some time left over to live.

I would like to be able to open my new computer, tell the computer that these are the 3 programs I use most often, this is the browser I want and if i want anything else, I will tell it later. And I want Everything Else to go into quiet mode.

Is that so hard?

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