Windows 10 Desktop icon text size, font and color customization

  • Thread starter Thread starter skay70
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,When, oh when, will MS respond to its millions of begging users and restore desktop icon font customization of size and color?

We have been waiting literally for a decade or more for MS to restore that Oh so useful display adjustment section of the operating system, to no avail. Why was it removed to begin with? It worked, it was very useful, and it was simple to use. I get the feeling that they are trying to dumb down the OS to the point where an intelligent monkey can use it, but the working functions from prior OSs have been taken out and the adjustment ability substituted with 'Accessibility' which is a far cry from what we used to love about display customization, and very limited in application. Come on, MS, stop taking out the good stuff to the detriment of the OS, just because change, you think, is job security. Not so.

I've traveled the internet searching for a solution to this one single problem to no avail, but in the course of my search, I've come across literally thousands of complaints about this one issue, for years, with no logical response from Microsoft as to why it was removed. You guys are starting to act like Congress - unresponsive to we the people. How about stepping up to the plate and giving us a customization package in the next update? Don't we loyal CUSTOMERS deserve a scrap from your table???

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