Windows 10 Error optimizing storage tiers

  • Thread starter Thread starter EDCScott
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I'm using Storage Spaces on Windows 10 with a two-tier setup (SSD & HDD). However, I noticed I wasn't getting the expected performance out of the configuration. I've done some research, and it appears as though something is wrong with the tiering. The volume does 'work', it's just clearly running at HDD speeds.

The setup:
SSD Tier: 2x 512GB SSD
HDD Tier: 4x 4TB HDD + 2x 6TB HDD

Some basic status commands:

PS> Get-StoragePool -IsPrimordial $FALSE

FriendlyName OperationalStatus HealthStatus IsPrimordial IsReadOnly Size AllocatedSize

------------ ----------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- -------------

Data OK Healthy False False 26.34 TB 24.87 TB

PS> Get-StorageTier

FriendlyName TierClass MediaType ResiliencySettingName FaultDomainRedundancy Size FootprintOnPool StorageEfficiency

------------ --------- --------- --------------------- --------------------- ---- --------------- -----------------

Data_HDD Capacity HDD Mirror 1 12 TB 24 TB 50.00%

Data_SSD Performance SSD Mirror 1 438 GB 876 GB 50.00%

PS> Get-VirtualDisk |FT -Property FriendlyName,OperationalStatus,HealthStatus,Size,FootprintOnPool,IsTiered

FriendlyName OperationalStatus HealthStatus Size FootprintOnPool IsTiered

------------ ----------------- ------------ ---- --------------- --------

Data OK Healthy 13664438452224 27346593644544 True

PS> Get-Volume -DriveLetter D

DriveLetter FriendlyName FileSystemType DriveType HealthStatus OperationalStatus SizeRemaining Size

----------- ------------ -------------- --------- ------------ ----------------- ------------- ----

D Data NTFS Fixed Healthy OK 7.56 TB 12.43 TB

However the optimization report is particularly interesting:

Storage Tier Optimization Report for volume

% I/Os serviced from Perf tier Performance tier size required

100% 0 bytes

95% 0 bytes

90% 0 bytes

85% 0 bytes

80% 0 bytes

75% 0 bytes

70% 0 bytes

65% 0 bytes

60% 0 bytes

55% 0 bytes

50% 0 bytes

45% 0 bytes

40% 0 bytes

35% 0 bytes

30% 0 bytes

25% 0 bytes

20% 0 bytes

15% 0 bytes

10% 0 bytes

5% 0 bytes

Current size of the Performance tier: 437.87 GB

Percent of total I/Os serviced from the Performance tier: 0%

Size of files pinned to the Performance tier: 0 bytes

Percent of total I/Os: 0%

Size of files pinned to the Capacity tier: 0 bytes

Percent of total I/Os: 0%

So far the only actual error I've been able to find is the following:

PS> defrag d: /G /# /U

Microsoft Drive Optimizer

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp.

Invoking tier optimization on Data (D:)...

Tier Optimization: 100% complete...

The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation. (0x8007139F)

Any suggestions on what that error means, or where to go from here would be greatly appreciated

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