Windows 10 Excuse me, but I have to make a long text complaining about Windows 10

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Well I don't take pleasure of writing this, but Windows 10 are really upseting me in the last couple weeks, and I really need to put this out.

I have been using Windows since the Millenium version, and the Windows 10 is by far the most bugged version I ever had.

In the last week, the videos stopped to work, for no reason, they simply stopped to work. I checked for drives updates, it's already have the right version. I unistalled and installed again, nothing helped. I changed the media player program 3 times (From SMPlayer, to VLC media, to default Movies and TV from Windows, and back to SMPlayer), none of the 3 worked, so wasn't a media player problem. I changed the video board to make sure that was't a hardware problem, and the videos still didn't worked. And finally I knew that was a problem on Windows 10 because the videos was working in my other OSs (Mojave and Qubes). And finally, I run the "problems solution" to Windows, that honestly, I never see solving any problem. (What problem this tools is capable of solving?) So I have no idea why the videos just stopped to work, since it was working on the day before. For me, that stopped to work without any reason, and werdly enough, its start working again 2 days after without any reason that I can think.

And this happened again two days ago again. The mouse cursor and the audio just stopped working. Again, is not drive problem (All the drives and Windows 10 itself is updated), and is not a hardware problem (I can hear the static from the sound box and the mouse works when I switch computers), and both of the cursors are working in the others OS.

My brother even jokingly saided that in the next update Microsoft will bring up the "dependency hell" to Windows. And its true. I remember that I faced a similar problem in one of the early versions of Ubuntu. Things just stopped to work for no reason one day, and starts working again in other. A lot of Linuxes have this problem, and the biggest argument in favor of Windows that I ever heard. "Things just work on Windows. You install the programs and work. Rarely the system fails, etc". And aparently this is not true anymore.

I don't know if Microsoft is focusing on other areas, like the phone OS and Azure cloud, and is not caring about the Windows anymore, but this type of problem I really didn't expect caming from a tech giant like Microsoft, looks much more a work from some universitary students volunteers who make a underground Linux version that a work caming from a huge company with thousands of employees like Microsoft. This type of thing just should not happen!

And the other main reason that I am upset about Windows 10, is because is tracking the heck out of me, even with me disabling the tracking sets in the "privacy" tab of settings. (Witch by the, seens like every update that I do resets some of the features).

This is very sneaky and unecessary. Companies like google, facebook, amazona, etc. At least have a reason (ish) to track the users. "They track they to make the contente free". Windows is not free, I paided for it, and I do not deserve have my data given to advertisiments to increase Microsofts profits. I already paid from Windows! And it's very rude from Microsoft keeping squeezing me for more profit.

This is the two main reasons that I'm very disappointed with Windows 10 so far. But have another ones:

* The system is slow: I understand that Windows 10 have a lot more extra features running on the background than previous versions, like Windows XP and Vista (Witch for me have the double of speed), and I understand that this operational system should be slower. But I'm really having some lag issues, and sorry, but having lag and the screen freezing from some seconds is not normal. My HD is not even 5% filled, and I compressed everything, and I do clean the hard disk regularly. And honestly I will have even more space if Microsoft let's me unistalls default things that I don't use (Like Edge)

* Microsoft forces me to have a outlook account to have support, and this is a excuse to put trackers to sell my data from advertisements, witch is low as I saided before. On can argue that outlook is free and Microsoft can sell my data to keep the service like this. But Windows is not free, and should not track by default or even track me when I need support. I don't want a outlook account, and Windows should respect the fact that I don't want to sell my data, and not makethings harder for me that I don't have account (And by the way, I will delete the one that I'm using for write this soon). Again, this is low from Microsoft tries to squeeze the consumer for even more profit (Cause I already paid for Windows, if I didn't said before). Its came to a point that my anti-spyware (SuperAntiSpyware) is marking oficial Microsoft programs as spywares. (Did I mentioned before that is wrong keeps taking my data when I already paid from Windows?)

I have others smalls complainings too (Why Microsoft takes out Pinball off Windows? This was the worst company decision I ever seen!!!), but the ones I mentioned above are the really serious ones for me.

Luckly, I have two others OS in my computer (Mojave and Qubes), and I will be using they for now. Is a bit hard to use Mojave as my main system, since I have been using Windows for almost two decades now. But until Windows10 became a usable version, I will keep with these two alternatives OSs.

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