Windows 10 Explorer.exe Hang During Login Process

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brian D Samec
  • Start date Start date

Brian D Samec

Having an issue with various Windows 10 and some Windows 7 clients where once a user logs in to their PC or VM their desktop begins to load, but doesnt finish. Explorer.exe is hung at this point as clicking anywhere on the screen will bring up the error that explorer.exe has stopped. Hovering over the Start / Windows bar on bottom left just shows a spinning circle. Can do a CTL-ALT-DEL and bring up Task Manager, As a work around we are stopping the explorer.exe process and then restarting via task manager, which starts explorer and no errors come up. The restarts can take a few attempts (explorer process starts but login is still hung and clicking anywhere will bring up the explorer crashed msg again) but eventually the login will complete and the users can work from there. Not sure what is going on....hoping others may have seen something similar.

Our Users login with their AD accounts and have their desktop / documents / favorites / pictures folders redirected from the network (via GPO) to their computers and Group Policies are run on the machines as well.

If you login to a machine with a local administrative account, the machines login fine each time with no explorer.exe hangs / crashes.

We took a few affected machines and put them in an OU with Group Policy Inheritance disabled and the users logged into the machines fine each time from there, but of course had no profile folders or policies running on them. We thought the issue was with Group Policy but when we had a ticket open with MS and gave them RSOP results from several affected computers, they said they couldnt see any issues. We then tried removing certain applications from Startup and thought we had found the answer when we removed Box from startup as the issues seemed to cease for the affected users. But now we are starting to see more issues of this happening and removing Box from startup isnt stopping the issue. We've gone through and disabled, stopped just about every startup app on an affected test machine we have and the issue persists after each reboot. One odd thing I noticed when testing was that when the hang occurs, I can stop and start explorer a few times until it finally finishes the login, but all the attempts that dont work do not show up in the Event Logs as even happening (Application or System). Nothing shows in the logs If a machine hangs at 1:27 PM and I dont get it working again until 1:35 PM the Application and System logs have no events during that time. Once login is working, logs start showing messages again.....

Hoping someone may have some idea of what could be the issue here? I really dont want to have to take a machine, put it in an OU with inheritance disabled and then start adding policies a few at a time and testing the login as that would be LONG and tedious process to just find out its none of the GPO's causing it.....

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