XxI WeApOn IxX
I was playing Red Dead Redemption 2 on Vulkan API and it randomly crashed to a BSOD quite some times and still does so what I did was changed it to DirectX 12 and it didnt crash to a BSOD and was stable the entire time on all cpu cores enabled and that got me thinking of doing some crash research. I finally crashed one last time yesterday and I found the Event Viewer for reporting errors in windows 10 and came across a driver error. Upon further investigation i found that secdrv.sys driver was failing to load do to DRM (Digital Rights Management) so I put one and one together. Theres either a code on the operating system side thats denying full capability for Vulkan API to be stable without crashes. I believe fixing this code error or finding it will fix the one and only BSOD we all have been experiencing while playing our favorite games on Vulkan API. This is a great breakthrough for developement I came across last night. Thank you for reading. Hope this helps not only me but you too.
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