Windows 10 Have Microsoft Taken The Windows Out Of Windows 10?

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Since installing Windows 10 this year (basically because Microsoft have decided to expire the best OS it ever made come next January 2020) I thought I better try out Windows 10 to get to grips with it. I have to confess I have never once jumped onboard any new OS Microsoft have put out and generally wait a couple of years before dipping my toe in the water so to speak. Basically this is because Microsoft tend to rush things out of the gate way before they are ready and effectively buying the latest version of Microsoft's Windows can be literally like buying a brand new TV, getting it home and plugging it in only to find out that that only 3 of it's 5 celestial channels are working. The good thing about the TV is that you can always take it back and get another one, where as with Microsoft you will have to wait a good few years before they fix it with the odd service pack or two.

To be honest it took me a couple of years to move over from Windows XP to Windows 7. Though Windows 7 is perhaps the only OS Microsoft have ever made that was working out of the box. The only other OS I would say that did that was 98se. But you cannot count that OS simply because that OS simply ironed out the mess they made in Windows 98 so effectively it was just another Service Pack. I think the reason why Windows 7 turned out so well from the start was really down to their previous OS Vista. In many ways even though Vista never quite worked and for many it was seen as one of their worst operating systems. Much of it's development paved the way and is the reason why Windows 7 turned out so well in the first place. There is a lot I can thank Vista for when I see how well Windows 7 functions and works better than any other OS Microsoft have ever made. No doubt that Windows ME wins the award for the worst OS Microsoft ever made and that thing was just a shell. Windows 8 grabs the second spot for the worst OS too.

Windows 8 was the first OS where Microsoft took away it's desktop and decided to try and compete with Apple Macintosh with it's app based system which is all part of the development that we see on our Smartphones. This to me was one big mistake simply because for one, I do not see any Smartphone as a computer, and secondly I have always seen the Windows desktop more like an office and function like working in an office rather than Mac's desktop which is more more app based like a Smartphone and looks something more like a kiddies sweetshop with a child being presented with a bag of Pick n' Mix. Mac OS is basically a shell in comparison to Windows and everything on it's desktop is on the surface with very little is underneath it all. It was the way that Smartphones were becoming more of the in thing why Microsoft decided to try and get into this market themselves and even make their own Smartphones. Though they was never gonna compete with Samsung or Apple for that matter in that department, and did in fact fail to even make a tiny dent into that market.

You would of thought by now that Microsoft had learned their lesson and realise that what they had with the Windows desktop in the first place was why many of it's customers prefer it in the first place. I have a Samsung Smartphone myself but for the life of me I could not work on it in the same way I can work on a computer with a desktop. A Smartphone is nothing in comparison to a computer so why on earth would one want to make a desktop like one with apps and all that **** is beyond me. Apps are the very reason why I have stayed clear of anything Microsoft have put out with their operating systems since Windows 7. Not one thing about Windows 8. 8.1 and Windows 10 appealed to me. And now we get to see Microsoft take a more communistic approach by taking the best thing they ever built in the way of an OS and forcing Windows 10 upon everybody. An OS that has now had 7 major updates which could be seen as service packs since its release and it still does not function like a desktop and it even has way less windows in the darn thing to be even called Windows. The thing does not even have detachable windows any more and as for multitasking on it forget it, and yet they see this thing as the future of Windows. It's a billion light years away from Windows 7 and they have stripped out near enough everything that made windows, Windows.

These couple of videos show you just a few things that Microsoft have taken away and how Windows 10 is no longer really a Windows OS in the way that is used to function so well with what Windows 7 had. Windows 10 does have some new useful features but sadly it's not enough and it's missing many of the most important features it had in the first place. Please note that the videos are not the best because my old PC had broken down and has I built it back in 2010 I have decided to save up and build myself a new PC with more up to date components and these videos I made on an early 2008 IMac that I had given me which only has a Core 2 DUO 2.8Ghz CPU. So I installed Windows Bootcamp on it and have both MAC OSX and Windows 10 running on it and it does struggle.

This first video shows just one of the useful features that Microsoft took out of Windows 10 and why they replaced the button where you could cycle through the many different views with a refresh button is pure stupidity. The cycle button I used to use a lot and where it comes in handy especially is if I had plugged in my smartphone which had many pictures and videos on it. Quite often you would have to wait for the green bar to scroll across especially if you had your pictures stored on a larger capacity SD Card. By switching it to the descriptive view it would scroll along a lot faster in relation to having it in an icon view where it would take much longer because it was opening up all the pictures to display them. So the cycle button was a very handy feature to have and you could change the view quickly and easily enough with it. Where as the refresh button they replaced it with does absolutely nothing and does not really serve a purpose.


This next video shows how Windows 10 no longer has what I call "Detachable Windows" and the only way you can make any window "Detachable" in Windows 10 is by creating a new folder on your desktop, you cannot make one in any other part of the OS such as in your documents or any other part of your hard drive that is "Detachable". Everything inside your computer is tied to a panel and you can no longer work with windows in the way it was designed and built to be in the first place. Windows for me as always been an office up until now. For example you have filing cabinets to store all your folders and files in your computer. You also have a desktop space to work on and a trash can to throw your rubbish in. In an office you can go to anyone of your filing cabinets and take out a folder and place it on the desktop. You can place many folders on the desktop so that you can comfortably work in that space and get things done. Once you have finished you simply return all your folders and files back to the appropriate filing cabinets and shut them away out of sight so they are no longer in view for every tom **** or harry to see.


With Windows 10 Microsoft have shunned away from that idea and are trying out new things that sadly just no longer work in the way of an office. In many ways they have crippled the office worker with a lot of the new things they have implemented into it's operating system. It's a much slower way of getting around things and they have more or less taken the multitasking experience out of it all and it's so sad to see them go down this road. OK they have done well regarding tightening up the security side of things, but I also seen that work very well over the last couple of years I was using Windows 7. So regarding the security side of things Windows 10 is not the only OS they could of done this on at all. I even tried out their latest update for Windows 10 they recently put out which was version 1903 because they were supposed to be reintroducing some of the Windows older features back into it. Though I only had it for about 10 minutes and soon rolled back to version 1809. The reason I rolled it back so quickly was that it was so bright and it looked way too bright on this IMac's display, and the new desktop wallpaper they had made looked absolutely dreadful. I know they was incorporating a new light and dark theme into it but they certainly had not got it right. The other thing I immediately noticed was that it took out my audio, so it was not off to a flying start at all I am afraidand I have postponed it for a month or two.

With Windows 10 they certainly gave it more of a Supermarket feel with how they put everything in other places and how they no longer stock certain items. Windows 10 is your typical supermarket scenario and is not as good as it's predecessor Windows 7 with how they have left out so many good things Windows 7 had going for it. Microsoft had already built it's best OS way back in 2009 and if ever there was a time to stop making more versions of Windows, that should of been it. But oh no they got greedy because they seen how Apple had built a more cohesive experience with the development of the iPhone. A stupid device that runs on poxy little apps built around their own desktop that in all honesty looks like a kiddies sweetshop like I already mentioned earlier. Apple were never a threat to Microsoft regarding their own OS and still today Windows holds the market share by miles when it comes to computers. All of the new changes Microsoft made was because they wanted a piece of the Smartphone action and tried to make a more cohesive experience just like Apple had. It's by far Microsoft's biggest downfall and I can fully understand why so many are now looking toward alternative operating systems today.

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