Windows 10 HDR ruined my desktop

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lemonark943
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Ok so this is not the first time I have had this issue but its the first time it has persisted a restore.

For some unknown cause, enabling HDR in windows warps all images on my computer. It almost looks like the gamma has been jacked way up. Ok no biggy, just use hdr for content only and turn it off right?

Wrong. The issue gets even worse if I turn HDR off and I am unable to restore the quality of any image on my computer after.

I have somewhat determined this isnt caused by nvida driver issues or my display. Without my gpu installed and with a different display the issue remains. I have also tinkered endlessly with display color and profile settings as well as the windows display calibration. Nothing works.

This is also system wide which wont make sense later but making a new user does not solve the problem.

The last time I hit this problem, I went through hours and hours of troubleshooting until I hooked up an ssd with a different windows install and evenything was fine so I decided to wipe my box and move on.

I tried the same thing after not being able to find the cause, only whatever setting that is causinig the issue must somehow syc to my shared theme because after I signed into my microsoft account the issue immemdiatly returned.

This is seriously driving me insane. I really enjoy HDR but I could live without it, but being permenty stuck with this distorted mess just wont work. Crazy thing is, only a few months ago did the first instasnce of this start. I used to be able to swap between hdr content fine.

Any help or insight into what might be the cause will be greatly appreciated.

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