Please be aware that if you switch apps or change focus to another window while working with us, you may get disconnected from your chat session. To ensure the best support experience, please stay active in this chat window.
Hi! How are you today?
OK but need help
Are you from Microsoft or the user group?
This is Rhealyn D. from Microsoft Office Technical Support.
How can I help you with your Office today?
Ok thanks
You're welcome.
I am based in South Africa so I do realize that the time difference may be an issue. Is that OK ?
I just found it here that you are referring to Windows 7 Pro has suddenly started malfunctioning. Is that the time you are referring to ?
There could also be time delays due to intermittent connection on the network or slow speed
It could be the windows 7 pro, or the MS Office 2010 - not sure
I understand that. Can you tell me more what happened so that we can isolate the issue?
Also I am communicating on the malfunctioning PC
Yesterday I started getting strange messages about problems re security from Outlook (Office 2010). I am fully subscribed to Norton (SAymantec) and checked everything out - full scan atc.
Now I find that the computer is extremely slow and does not like chaninging between windows, tabs or applications. Oh, by the way, I am using Chrome (Sorry!)
I am operating on 3G mobile connection so please be patient
I understand that. Let me check my resources about this. Please allow me two minutes.
Peter, can I asked what is the strange message stated?
I am suspicious that the Outlook messages were the original source of the problems. I am very careful with online security and do have a full backup (system image from a few days ago) but have tried restoring to that with no improvement. I do appreciate your help and patience. I am elderly and really NEED my computer to operate correctly for health and safety reasons. My main means of communication with the world.
I regret that my memory fails me but it was (or seemed to be) system generated messages about access or security issues. I did not open any obviously strange emails or attachments. However I am now in my 70's and do not fully understand these issues - I just try to do my best to secure everything online.
I think it is more likely a system issue or MS Office issue since Norton ad others give me a clear checkout for virus or whatever ware.
Are all of your Office application works fine?
Up to a point. But the problems arise when trying to switch windows, programs or tabs both online or offline I think. (I'm never sure when it is using on or off line resources).
Having aid that, when I just tried to access Excel now I got a message saying Configuring which is unusual.
Peter, are you referring to those emails telling you that you're computer have been affected and they let you click on a link, am I correct?
Please do not lose contact with me. I do really need your help here. There are health issues involved and being where we are - we need to keep the communications open.
No I did not click on any unknown links, and it did not mention any infection.
Peter, when was the issue started?
I am aware of the various scams out there - obviously not all though
Is there any change made to your computer before it happened?
Yesterday, that is about 18+ hours ago
No, just did a Windows update as usual and downloaded the latest Norton Symantec data
I don't Outlook causes this issue. Outlook simply helps you manage your emails.
Then accessed email via Outlook, used Word and Excel and Chrome to access internet for banking, investment newsletters, general news and maybe Utube (I think) - music / video, anyway.
Did you try run your Norton to check your device?
Maybe a permissions issue? I had a couple of unusual warnings about not having access to My Documents etc. but managed to get in eventually.
I ran Norton Full System Scan and the one which includes Root Scan or some such thing.
I am not sure maybe there is an applications installed to your computer without your knowledge and may cause the issue.
Did Norton is able to detect some malicious malware?
Do you think it may help to totally re-load Win 7 Pro? However I do not hav ethe original disk since it came as OEM with my PC several years ago.
No Norton came up clean and I also checked with some freeware anti-virus programs
Got it!
If there is a way to find the product key then tell me and I can pass it to you if that will help
If ever that, you wat to factory reset your computer make sure that you will back up your data.
I did make a full backup (system shadow? Or something like that) 3 days ago onto a removable usb hard drive. But I already tried restoring from there, which it did - but made no difference. When I tried to restore to an earlier restore point it failed to complete
As far as I know there is no way on finding the product key from your system.
I am so sorry to be a pain in the B**, however I am dependent on this computer working properly as it has done before
OK, so should we somehow try to re-install or REPAIR the existing Windows 7 Pro?
It is a legal version as far as I can ascertain.
Or would that not solve the problem?
For this case, if you want help reinstalling the windows, I can refer you to our Windows team so that they can guide about this.
Please allow me to help reached them so that you will guided accordingly.
Data is VERY expensive here so a couple of Gig could hurt the budget ut still cheaper than repacing the PC!!!
Is there a way for me to get back to YOU if that does not work? Since you already understand the situation and it is hard to have to re-explain to someone else from the start again. That's why I do not like call centres!!
Actually once you contacted Microsoft Support you will route to an available advocate. Nothing to worry, please keep this reference number 1474723135, I created a notes for you.
Thank you sooo much. Peter
Once you contact us back please provide that reference and rest assured all the details are there.
I hope Pete that I was able to provide you enough information about your concern.
I know you tried and thanks for that.
I'm Microsoft's Virtual Agent. I'd love to help you. You can also ask to talk to a person at any time. Please briefly describe your issue below.
My pleasure to help. Thank you so much Peter for your time and effort in reaching us here in Microsoft Support. This has been Rhealyn D. Please take care always.
Re-installing or repairing Win 7 Pro and Office 2010 including Outlook which was installed as OEM with the PC. So no disk to re-load from.
As much as i want to help you with that but we don't have any record for the product key of your Win 7 Pro and Outlook 2010.
reference number 1474723135
Peter this is still me Rhealyn. Our chat earlier is not yet ended.
Peter are we still connected?
I am trying to copy and paste this conversation onto your user help line.
Got it! is there anything else that I can help you with aside from thi
Continue reading...
Hi! How are you today?
OK but need help
Are you from Microsoft or the user group?
This is Rhealyn D. from Microsoft Office Technical Support.
How can I help you with your Office today?
Ok thanks
You're welcome.
I am based in South Africa so I do realize that the time difference may be an issue. Is that OK ?
I just found it here that you are referring to Windows 7 Pro has suddenly started malfunctioning. Is that the time you are referring to ?
There could also be time delays due to intermittent connection on the network or slow speed
It could be the windows 7 pro, or the MS Office 2010 - not sure
I understand that. Can you tell me more what happened so that we can isolate the issue?
Also I am communicating on the malfunctioning PC
Yesterday I started getting strange messages about problems re security from Outlook (Office 2010). I am fully subscribed to Norton (SAymantec) and checked everything out - full scan atc.
Now I find that the computer is extremely slow and does not like chaninging between windows, tabs or applications. Oh, by the way, I am using Chrome (Sorry!)
I am operating on 3G mobile connection so please be patient
I understand that. Let me check my resources about this. Please allow me two minutes.
Peter, can I asked what is the strange message stated?
I am suspicious that the Outlook messages were the original source of the problems. I am very careful with online security and do have a full backup (system image from a few days ago) but have tried restoring to that with no improvement. I do appreciate your help and patience. I am elderly and really NEED my computer to operate correctly for health and safety reasons. My main means of communication with the world.
I regret that my memory fails me but it was (or seemed to be) system generated messages about access or security issues. I did not open any obviously strange emails or attachments. However I am now in my 70's and do not fully understand these issues - I just try to do my best to secure everything online.
I think it is more likely a system issue or MS Office issue since Norton ad others give me a clear checkout for virus or whatever ware.
Are all of your Office application works fine?
Up to a point. But the problems arise when trying to switch windows, programs or tabs both online or offline I think. (I'm never sure when it is using on or off line resources).
Having aid that, when I just tried to access Excel now I got a message saying Configuring which is unusual.
Peter, are you referring to those emails telling you that you're computer have been affected and they let you click on a link, am I correct?
Please do not lose contact with me. I do really need your help here. There are health issues involved and being where we are - we need to keep the communications open.
No I did not click on any unknown links, and it did not mention any infection.
Peter, when was the issue started?
I am aware of the various scams out there - obviously not all though
Is there any change made to your computer before it happened?
Yesterday, that is about 18+ hours ago
No, just did a Windows update as usual and downloaded the latest Norton Symantec data
I don't Outlook causes this issue. Outlook simply helps you manage your emails.
Then accessed email via Outlook, used Word and Excel and Chrome to access internet for banking, investment newsletters, general news and maybe Utube (I think) - music / video, anyway.
Did you try run your Norton to check your device?
Maybe a permissions issue? I had a couple of unusual warnings about not having access to My Documents etc. but managed to get in eventually.
I ran Norton Full System Scan and the one which includes Root Scan or some such thing.
I am not sure maybe there is an applications installed to your computer without your knowledge and may cause the issue.
Did Norton is able to detect some malicious malware?
Do you think it may help to totally re-load Win 7 Pro? However I do not hav ethe original disk since it came as OEM with my PC several years ago.
No Norton came up clean and I also checked with some freeware anti-virus programs
Got it!
If there is a way to find the product key then tell me and I can pass it to you if that will help
If ever that, you wat to factory reset your computer make sure that you will back up your data.
I did make a full backup (system shadow? Or something like that) 3 days ago onto a removable usb hard drive. But I already tried restoring from there, which it did - but made no difference. When I tried to restore to an earlier restore point it failed to complete
As far as I know there is no way on finding the product key from your system.
I am so sorry to be a pain in the B**, however I am dependent on this computer working properly as it has done before
OK, so should we somehow try to re-install or REPAIR the existing Windows 7 Pro?
It is a legal version as far as I can ascertain.
Or would that not solve the problem?
For this case, if you want help reinstalling the windows, I can refer you to our Windows team so that they can guide about this.
Please allow me to help reached them so that you will guided accordingly.
Data is VERY expensive here so a couple of Gig could hurt the budget ut still cheaper than repacing the PC!!!
Is there a way for me to get back to YOU if that does not work? Since you already understand the situation and it is hard to have to re-explain to someone else from the start again. That's why I do not like call centres!!
Actually once you contacted Microsoft Support you will route to an available advocate. Nothing to worry, please keep this reference number 1474723135, I created a notes for you.
Thank you sooo much. Peter
Once you contact us back please provide that reference and rest assured all the details are there.
I hope Pete that I was able to provide you enough information about your concern.
I know you tried and thanks for that.
I'm Microsoft's Virtual Agent. I'd love to help you. You can also ask to talk to a person at any time. Please briefly describe your issue below.
My pleasure to help. Thank you so much Peter for your time and effort in reaching us here in Microsoft Support. This has been Rhealyn D. Please take care always.
Re-installing or repairing Win 7 Pro and Office 2010 including Outlook which was installed as OEM with the PC. So no disk to re-load from.
As much as i want to help you with that but we don't have any record for the product key of your Win 7 Pro and Outlook 2010.
reference number 1474723135
Peter this is still me Rhealyn. Our chat earlier is not yet ended.
Peter are we still connected?
I am trying to copy and paste this conversation onto your user help line.
Got it! is there anything else that I can help you with aside from thi
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