I have an HP Desktop with a C: 256 GB PCIe® NVMe™ M.2 SSD and D:1 TB 7200 rpm SATA HDD.I going to install a larger SSD, clone the small SSD and use the new SSD as the boot drive. The D: drive had no data on it.However, I thought I'd test the cloning process first and cloned the SSD to the HDD using Acronis (probably a mistake!). Partitions were created in the process, see attachment.DISK 0Healthy (EFI SystemPartition) - 260MbWindows (D Healthy - 553.61 GBUnallocated - 601Mb Healthy (Primary Partition) - 376.93GBDISK1Healthy (EFI SystemPartition) - 260MbWindows (C Healthy - 2
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