Windows 10 "Hi. We're Microsoft! We don't really care what you want! You're all stupid children who need to be managed by us!

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I'm sure I am not alone in feeling this way each and every time I have to come to this community and ask how to do something, which Microsoft has made it "Appear" there is a setting for but gets totally ignored by Windows 10 and continues doing what the user doesn't want anyway!

For instance, I (like so MANY others here) am looking for a way to TURN OFF the blatantly irritating, verbosely nagging message that keeps telling me to "Check My Firewall Setting", because (again, like so many others) have DISABLED it internally! Why? Well, let's see.. here are a number of good reasons:

  1. My Router & My Gigabyte Gateway BOTH have darn good firewalls already!
  2. Because of #1, I don't need to employ a firewall on my internal computers.
  3. Things don't work with the firewall ON, even though you have entered exceptions and put more holes in it than a block of swiss cheese (causing us to again, have to return to this abysmal place to beg for relief only to be told "No, it's for your own good" or "It's what our customers want").
  4. #2 would suggest that I am not going to send myself trojans, or otherwise attempt to gain remote control of systems that are:
    a. literally sitting 10 feet from me.
    b. I have complete console access to (BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL MINE TO BEGIN WITH!).
  5. Get sick and tired of Microsoft stating that "We've listened to our customers" when any time spent in these message forums would clearly present evidence to the extreme contrary.

Let's face it guys! You LOST our trust BIG TIME! Do I really need to dig up THAT stinky dog and point out why? Every patch or update bombs our systems, your users have become your beta testers, and with each update you find more ways to include settings that don't do what they claim to do!

Like the "Disable Firewall Messages".. because we're not morons who constantly need reminding that the firewall, which WE turned off, is not enabled! Or how about the message that says there won't be any messages during this time!? That one kills me! And all with the closed minded, very narrow intent, that all of this is to force, eh.. 'coax' the user into following "Good Standards and Practices". Seriously? Good standards and practices... like the ones you follow every time an update of yours blows up a users computer? No, what you REALLY end up doing is forcing the user (who wants what they want) to find a work around (i.e. Hack, Registry Setting, etc.) whereby circumventing Windows 10 security altogether.

Because of your displaced (read: 'skewed') perception of things, your methods and tactics end up causing more harm than good. Sort of like prohibition did in the 20's. So... here's a novel idea. Why don't you actually make the settings in Windows 10 (1903) actually DO what they pretend to do! Disable the firewall messages! Or is that just too darn 'Right Winged' for you guys?

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