Windows 10 How can I guarantee that the updates Windows keeps trying to force on me now won't break my computer, like last time?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anonywolf
  • Start date Start date


I'm on Windows 10, and ever since I got this computer I've received nothing but buggy or broken updates. Infact, the very first update I received, when this computer was brand new, forced me into a position where, on the suggestion of tech support, I had to restore it to before the update, and disable updates for months. The computer was otherwise completely unuseable. This proved to be a pattern- every single time this computer updates, it breaks down, forcing me to the exact same thing *just* so I can use it. For whatever reason, I can't just shut down all updates indefinitely, which is what I want to do now. Instead, once a month I get a notification about a pending update that absolutely must happen and I can't even shut down my computer without either accepting it or delaying it another month. I refuse the former, because for all I know it'll be yet another broken update. I have zero reason to trust them anymore. I am absolutely sick of this, i've been putting off these updates since the last time they wrecked this computer. How can I be sure they won't do the same again? If necessary, how can I disable them permanently? So I never again have to delay them, I can just shut them off forever and never look back on it.

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