Windows 10 How many of you have lost critical work, or were unable to finish important work, because Win 10 started it's update after YOU TOLD IT NO?

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green bird [42]

I bought this computer, with it's operating system. I own it. Yet over the years, I have lost critical work time, missed deadlines, and in general had my plans screwed up because Microsoft decided to start a long update EVEN AFTER I TELL IT NOT TO DO IT AT THAT TIME. I've used my computer as an important part of every small business I've run, and I've lost money over and over again BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE CONTROL OVER WHAT MY COMPUTER DOES OR WHEN IT DOES IT. THIS HAS TO S-T-O-P. If I want to run my computer and NEVER do any updates, that's MY choice, and I'll live with the consequences. I don't need another major corporation making these kinds of decisions for me.

The last computer I owned was RUINED because, once again, Microsoft decided I'd delayed downloading Win 10 for too long, and downloaded it ON TOP OF Win XP. It was still 6 months till the deadline, but they forced it on me anyway. That computer never functioned properly again.

There HAS to be another way to do updates, some way where I don't have to worry that Microsoft will take over my computer at a time when I really need to use it.

Don't tell me I should do updates right away - there's still several months before the deadline - I either have the choice or I don't - if I could have found time to do them before tonight, I would have done so. Don't blame me for your failure of respect for your customers, and your failure to find a way to keep people updated WITHOUT interfering with our ability to use our computers. Background updates happen all the time - do it that way. Or, hey, here's a brilliant idea - TEST YOUR NEW OPERATING SYSTEMS MORE THOROUGHLY BEFORE FORCING THEM ON US. We shouldn't need a GIANT update every 6 months.

You are not a capitalist, Mr. Gates, you are an economic dictator. You SHOULD have been busted for creating a monopoly - everyone knows you've made it so using Windows isn't really a choice. If you had any real confidence in yourself & your creations, if you weren't such a greedy control freak, you wouldn't have been so terrified of a little competition. A mentally & emotionally healthy person wouldn't fear competition, and they wouldn't feel the need to keep a strangle hold on an entire industry even after they became as rich as you. You don't NEED to keep blocking us from having choice.

Your services and products are not the best, Mr. Gates - you didn't become rich by making the best hard & software - you did it by stealing the freedom of choice from end consumers. ONE SIZE DOESN'T FIT ALL, ONE OPERATING SYSTEM WILL NEVER WORK FOR EVERYONE. If you really care AT ALL about the real experience of your customers, you'd stop trying to make a "one size fits all" operating system and instead work out 2 or 3 versions: business, tool (people who want to use their computer to compute), and play (social media, entertainment). That should be doable for someone as smart as you claim to be. One operating system, 3 variations: Business, Computing, Play.

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