i have the same problem with my Sandisk Cruzer Micro 4GB .

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vinoy Vijayan
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Vinoy Vijayan

I have the same problem with my system(Desktop) Vista Ultimate. Do you find any solution for the problem . Can you please help me to overcome the problem . Thanks

ke3pu wrote:

i have the same problem with my Sandisk Cruzer Micro 4GB .


i have the same problem with my Sandisk Cruzer Micro 4GB . i use Vista

Ultimate on both my Laptop and Desktop. on my laptop as soon as i insert the

USB card Vista detects it and assigns it as a Driver. but on my Desktop it

prompts for drivers? Even if i direct the installer to "C:\Windows" every

time i re-insert the USB card , it prompts for driver for an "Unidentified

Device" which again i have to point the installer to "C:\windows" for it to


is there anyway of finding out what's causing the conflict? perhaps a driver

installer? or another USB Device? i have unplugged all my USB devices but

this still happens or perhaps a driver installer?

can anyone show me how i can check for conflicts properly? thanx

Previous Posts In This Thread:

On Monday, March 19, 2007 6:04 AM

AOTec wrote:

USB Flash drives not recognized

Under Vista Ultimate, when I insert a flash drive, the OS does not recognize

it as a USB Mass storage device, and prompts for drivers.

Here are some details:

1. This system was upgraded from XP

2. A Sandisk Cruzer Mini 1GB flash drive was installed prior to the upgrade

(this device is the only thumbdrive that works)

3. A USB card reader is present (system allocates 4 removable disks) and


4. I've verified the Sandisk drive is working on another system

5. I also get the same results with an older 128 MB flash drive

On Monday, March 19, 2007 7:21 AM

ke3pu wrote:

i have the same problem with my Sandisk Cruzer Micro 4GB .

i have the same problem with my Sandisk Cruzer Micro 4GB . i use Vista

Ultimate on both my Laptop and Desktop. on my laptop as soon as i insert the

USB card Vista detects it and assigns it as a Driver. but on my Desktop it

prompts for drivers? Even if i direct the installer to "C:\Windows" every

time i re-insert the USB card , it prompts for driver for an "Unidentified

Device" which again i have to point the installer to "C:\windows" for it to


is there anyway of finding out what's causing the conflict? perhaps a driver

installer? or another USB Device? i have unplugged all my USB devices but

this still happens or perhaps a driver installer?

can anyone show me how i can check for conflicts properly? thanx

On Monday, March 19, 2007 9:25 AM

Don wrote:

Re: USB Flash drives not recognized

ke3pup wrote:

Quite a few people are having the same problem with USB sticks, which

appears to be a Vista bug in need of a fix. I'd like to track it down,

but I can't reproduce the problem. If either of you feel geeky enough

to do some debugging, I have some ideas to try -- but a basic knowledge

of the Registry would be helpful, otherwise it might be too confusing

for a beginner.

On Monday, March 19, 2007 9:53 AM

GreenWing wrote:

Does your 4GB Cruzer have the U3 stuff installed on it?

Does your 4GB Cruzer have the U3 stuff installed on it? Mine came with U3

installed...I went to u3.com and used their utility to remove U3, formatted

the stick to NTFS and it works fine on my vista notebook and desktop (both

ultimate) for readyboost or normal drive...


"ke3pup" wrote in message


On Monday, March 19, 2007 9:55 AM

maxinmin wrote:

I have a Kingston 2GB Datatravler U3 stick.

I have a Kingston 2GB Datatravler U3 stick. The problem was Launchpad for the

U3 would work. The solution was released abut 10 days ago. A Vista compatable

version of Launchpad. Since then I've had no problems.

"AOTech" wrote:

On Monday, March 19, 2007 10:41 AM

Don wrote:

Re: USB Flash drives not recognized

GreenWing wrote:

Thanks for the tip. I was wondering how to get rid of U3. More

importantly, did Vista ask you for drivers every time you plugged

it in?

On Monday, March 19, 2007 10:52 AM

Don wrote:

Re: USB Flash drives not recognized

maxinminn wrote:

Before that, did Vista ask you for drivers every time?

On Monday, March 19, 2007 10:57 AM

GreenWing wrote:

Re: USB Flash drives not recognized

"Don" wrote in message


No...the u3 stuff installed and was working (except for the removal

function)...I wanted the stick for readyboost, so I deleted off the U3 crap

via u3.com...Ultimate sees the drive fine and has never asked for a

driver...Treats it as a regular USB drive since installation...I have the

stick inside my desktop so I never remove it...


On Monday, March 19, 2007 2:20 PM

ke3pu wrote:

Mine did come with U3 installed but i removed it using the installer as well

Mine did come with U3 installed but i removed it using the installer as well

and formatted it with NTFS but my Desktop never automatically found the

drivers for it, i had to point the installer to "C:\Windows" for it to be

able to find the drivers! Since installing the Drivers, now every time i

re-insert the USB card in, Vista tells me it needs to look for driver for

"Unidentified Device???, so again i have to direct it to "C:\Windows" in which

case the "Unidentified Device" becomes "SanDisk Cruzer Micro" when it finds

the driver.

i would do anything to find out why this happens. So am i willing to do

debugging, YES, just tell me how.


On Monday, March 19, 2007 4:38 PM

AOTec wrote:

Tell me where in the registry you want me to look and I'll post what I find.

Tell me where in the registry you want me to look and I will post what I find.

"Don" wrote:

On Monday, March 19, 2007 8:30 PM

Cymbal Man Freq. wrote:

Wow, where can I find a newsgroup devoted to U3 flash drives?

Wow, where can I find a newsgroup devoted to U3 flash drives? I just bought one

90 minutes ago and I'm not sure I should use it on my 98SE machine if I still

want to use U3 on an XP machine. U3 changes the whole POV of a flashdrive for

me, so I don't wanna wreck it prematurely.

Thank You Staples for confounding a simple purchase for me.

On Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:36 AM

maxinmin wrote:

There shouldn't be ANY problems between a 98 & XP machine.

There should not be ANY problems between a 98 & XP machine. The default

drivers for the U3 work just fine on my XP machines. The driver issue was

with my new Vista machine.

"Cymbal Man Freq." wrote:

On Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:40 AM

maxinmin wrote:

The removal of the U3 programs might be the problem.

The removal of the U3 programs might be the problem. If your thumb drive is

set up like mine, then it came with two partitions, one with U3 and the other

is the main data partition. Have you checked the SanDisk website? What I'd do

is visit the site, run the necessary software/Drivers to RESTORE your thumb

drive back to it's original state. Then you have a way of communicating with

SanDisk Support, which is what I'd suggest you do.

"ke3pup" wrote:

On Tuesday, March 20, 2007 1:27 PM

Don wrote:

Re: USB Flash drives not recognized

maxinminn wrote:

I have a Kingston which had U3 on it until I deleted it with the U3

removal tool. The only difference I noticed is that used to appear

in Vista as a CDROM disk (!) and now it's back to being an ordinary

USB drive. No driver problems either way, and it still works.

On Tuesday, March 20, 2007 1:48 PM

Don wrote:

Re: USB Flash drives not recognized

ke3pup wrote:

I posted a response to you in 'Vista Playing Dumb' a while ago before

I saw this post. First fetch the process monitor utility and spend

some time getting used to it. Learn how to tell it to print only the

info you want to see, so you aren't overwhelmed with data. It's just

a tool to display info, so it shouldn't be able to screw up your

machine any further than it is ;o)

After that, my approach would be to use it to see where Vista is

searching for its drivers. Is it looking for the wrong drivers

in the right place, or the right drivers in the wrong place, or

maybe both. Vista really shouldn't be looking for *any* drivers,

so that's the real puzzle to solve, but I'd need to work backwards

from the end towards the beginning of this bug.

You'll probably need more advice along the way, but get started

first and you'll probably get some ideas of your own to try.

On Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:14 PM

ACER Vista wrote:

I just bought an Acer 9410 laptop and a 2G Cruzer Micro..

I just bought an Acer 9410 laptop and a 2G Cruzer Micro.. It does absolutely

nothing except give an invalid USB device message... no driver opportunity.

San Disk was no help at all. Just very rude off shore support which I ended

hanging up on.. I guess I will try the U3 site for fix and if

nothing...remove U3. Hate to do that but......

"maxinminn" wrote in message


On Wednesday, March 21, 2007 7:24 AM

maxinmin wrote:

Re: USB Flash drives not recognized

"Don" wrote:

Well I'd go back to the Kingston site and there is a Vista compatible

launchpad update. D/L it and run it. What it does is: removes the old U3

programs, then safely makes a copy of any data on the drive, reformats and

then repartitions the drive, then puts the new U3 software on the drive, and

then finally copiies the data back onto the data partition. That should get

you a fully functional U3 system again.

On Wednesday, March 21, 2007 6:01 PM

TMi wrote:

I have the problem with my 3 USB key, but only on 1 of my 2 PC* Sometimes it

I have the problem with my 3 USB key, but only on 1 of my 2 PC

* Sometimes it ask me to install dirver. the trick is to indicates

c:\windows\... driverstore ... then it will (at least) install 3 different

driver ... and it finally work

* Nevertheless, very often, it take 5-10mn to recognize (eg appears into

explorer as a disk, and light turn on on the USB key), if i log off it will

be recognised (or if i wait 5-10 mn).

* The only differnce i saw between my 2 PC, is that the 1 with problem has a

supplmentary item : in management tools / disk, i have "removable disk ",

not only "disk mangment" (sorry my Vista is french, so it's a translation of

french word, so the english real name is may be slightly diffrent)

"Don" a ??crit dans le message de


On Wednesday, March 21, 2007 7:12 PM

Don wrote:

Re: USB Flash drives not recognized

TMi wrote:

Does that machine boot okay when a USB key is plugged in?

What drivers does Vista install? Any interesting messages in

C:\windows\inf\setupapi.app.log or setupapi.dev.log?

I'm seeing entries about my Kingston USB stick in those logs -- and

the strange thing is that I see entries saying that DriverUpdate exited

with FAILURE status(??) but I have no problems of any kind with any of

my 3 USB sticks. Very strange!

You have two machines which behave differently, so we might get some

information by comparing the log files from the two machines after

plugging the same USB stick in each machine.

Yes, my USB stick appears as a removable drive also, and I have no

problems with drivers. You see that on the machine *with* problems, is

that correct?

Thanks for the information.

On Friday, March 23, 2007 2:47 PM

TMi wrote:

YES, and USB is perfectly & immediatly recognisedI think it's disk.

YES, and USB is perfectly & immediatly recognised

I think it's disk.sys ; usbstrore.inf ; parmgr.sys (i've not checked)

Here somme examples


dvi: Enumerating INFs from path list 'C:\Windows\INF'

!!! inf: Error searching published INFs - likely system corruption!

dvi: Created Driver Node:

dvi: HardwareID - USB\Class_08&SubClass_06&Prot_50

dvi: InfName - C:\Windows\INF\usbstor.inf


!!! sto: Inf file does not contain CatalogFile directive for

the specified processor architecture. Inf = e:\windows\inf\usbstor.inf

inf: Opened INF: 'e:\windows\inf\usbstor.inf' ([strings] )

inf: Opened INF: 'e:\windows\inf\LAYOUT.INF' ([strings] )

!!! sto: The driver package has a reference to a missing

file. File Name = qv2kux.sys, Error = 80070002

!!! sto: GetCopyFilesListFromInf() failed. Error = 80070002,

Inf = e:\windows\inf\usbstor.inf

!!! sto: Failed to copy the Driver Package to C:\Users\Thibaut &

Trinidad\{664648da-1798-4a1f-abbc-9150aed25765}. Error = 80070002

!!! sto: Failed to copy driver package from source into temporary

client location. Error = 80070002, SrcInf = e:\windows\inf\usbstor.inf,

DestPath = C:\Users\Thibaut &


sto: {Staging Package To Driver Store - phase 1 exit(80070002)}

! inf: Add to Driver Store unsuccessful

!!! inf: returning failure to SetupCopyOEMInf

inf: {SetupCopyOEMInf exit (0x00000002)} 22:14:45.952

!!! ndv: Driver Package import failed for new device...installing NULL


Yes, on both machine my 3 differents USB keys (one is mini hard disk)

appears in explorer with the same icon image.

But, but, the difference btw my to 2 PC is not on the explorer, is not in

the device manager neither.

The difference i see is when i open the "computer manager", in the part

where you can manage your disk i have an item which is not on the PC which

is working fine

In the bad PC i have (in french)

1) Stockage/Stockage amovible translation (approx) ->

storage/removable storage

2) Stockage/gestion de disque translation (approx) -> disk/disk

management (where you can see the partition etc, change the drive letter


In the good Pc i've only

2) Stockage/gestion de disque translation (approx) -> disk/disk


So for me that's a strange difference

Hope this help.

"Don" a ??crit dans le message de


On Friday, March 23, 2007 5:27 PM

Don wrote:

Re: USB Flash drives not recognized

TMi wrote:

Well, that doesn't sound very good. Have you tried chkdisk on your

C: drive?

Why is Vista looking on the E: drive for Vista drivers? Did you ever

tell it to look there?

Are there any references to e:\ in your Registry?

On Monday, March 26, 2007 12:35 PM

TMi wrote:

A. Yes, it's okA.

A. Yes, it's ok

A. I don't know, E: is my 2nd HD with Windows XP

My USB are still working fine ... if i wait 1-10mn ! my old good

floppy drive is quicker ;-)

Other thing, sometimes it takes 5 min to finish to close Vista, just at the

final step when the screen is yet black. This occur 1 time upon 5-10.

Other thing : if i boot with my USB yet in, it's ok, if i retsart a session

it's also ok.

"Don" a ??crit dans le message de


On Thursday, March 29, 2007 12:13 PM

TMi wrote:

Solution ?

Solution ?

The remote control software of my TV card was slowering the shutdown of

Vista. I've supress it automatic load from the registry. Now Vista close

without problem (not tested more than 4-6 time).

It seems, that now my USB keys are quikly recognised and that there is no

more pb !?

So a solution can be to check carefully all other hardware/software devices.

There is a lot which are not fully compatible (even if announced to be

compatible). For example my TV Terratec Cinergy T2, Speefan (not ok on one

of my PC, making it crashing sometimes).

What is tricky is the fact that there not a clear strong problem, it's just

a quite irreproducable instability.

Hope this can help or give some idea.

"TMi" a ??crit dans le message de


On Tuesday, April 17, 2007 10:58 AM

Dave wrote:

I have tracked the problem down to the order in which USB devices are

I have tracked the problem down to the order in which USB devices are

connected. I have a 256 Gig Simpletech USB backup disk. If it is connected

first, Vista Ultimate will not recognize ANY subsequent insertion of USB

flash drives (tried several brands and sizes). If I disconnect the

Simpletech, i can insert USB flash drives and they will be recognised.

Furthermore if I connect the USB flash drive first and then the Simpletech

drive, both will work.

FYI I am running a Dell Inspiron 9200 with 1 gig memory and all Vista

updates have been applied.

"Don" wrote:

On Wednesday, April 18, 2007 12:16 AM

Don wrote:

Re: USB Flash drives not recognized

Dave T wrote:

Certainly sounds to me like a bug in Vista which needs fixing. The only

other thing I can think of would be a BIOS problem in need of an update,

but that's pure speculation on my part. Might be interesting to see if

your computer's BIOS recognizes these various devices (or not) depending

on which of them is plugged in at boot time.

On Wednesday, April 18, 2007 9:12 AM

Dave wrote:

I am running the latest DELL BIOS release, but that does not say Dell does not

I am running the latest DELL BIOS release, but that does not say Dell does

not have a problem. I am not sure how to check if BIOS recognises USB

devices, as requested. The BIOS setup does not list drives.

If I boot with the 256 USB drive and a flash connected, Vista displays

message that it is looking for a driver cannot find one. It then does no

recognise flash stick. The 256 works fine

The USB flash memory worked under XP on the same computer and hardware

configuration. The upgrade to Vista was a clean install with partitions

droped and a single new partition created. To me this points to Vista issue,

potentially linked to loading large USB memory device.

"Don" wrote:

On Wednesday, April 18, 2007 5:35 PM

Don wrote:

Re: USB Flash drives not recognized

Dave T wrote:

Ah, new evidence. Try this workaround for a known Vista bug:

Delete the file C:\windows\inf\INFCACHE.1 which may well be corrupted.

(You will first need to edit its file permissions to grant Full Control

to the Users group.)

Even if it doesn't help, it won't hurt anything either.

On Wednesday, April 18, 2007 9:16 PM

Dave wrote:

No change after delete. Same behavior.

No change after delete. Same behavior. Will not recognize USB flash memory


"Don" wrote:

On Wednesday, April 18, 2007 9:36 PM

Don wrote:

Re: USB Flash drives not recognized

Dave T wrote:

Hmpf! Well, returning to the BIOS question, my own BIOS (several years

old) will let me change the order of available bootable devices. I

don't have multiple USB boot devices to test, but I figured you might

be able to glean some information about which USB boot devices your

BIOS recognizes by booting multiple times and seeing what devices your

BIOS will let you pick from while trying different combinations.

(I've never tried this myself...)

On Thursday, May 31, 2007 12:13 PM

Jason wrote:

Re: USB Flash drives not recognized

Has anyone tried this yet? http://support.microsoft.com/kb/925528

On Friday, December 28, 2007 12:30 PM

mattperr wrote:

Hey,I have the same problem, my drives worked BEFORE I did a clean install of


I have the same problem, my drives worked BEFORE I did a clean install of

Vista... My iPod doesnt work either... Has anyone found a solution?

Microsoft really needs to be monitoring this....

"TMi" wrote:

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