Windows 10 I need help with my computer, it is a mixture of a frozen screen and the computer not responding what so ever

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Hello, after a long day. I opended up my computer to enjoy some Youtube videos. But when i opened my computer, it was a complete black screen for 5 minutes. Afterwards the welcome and sign in page was frozen for a solid 5-10 minutes. After logging in (the keyboard wasn’t even working so i had to use voice command to log in) i was pleaded with another black screen. I have waited over 20 minutes and it still was black, a

until the task bar (only blue) showed up and then the computer froze. Then after a long time i saw the windows logo appear. And once again it froze and i had to wait. Then everything some what loaded in, but the icons for them were strange. Then everything fully loaded in, well i thought it did. I went to click on google but i realised, that somehow my mouse wasnt working. I checked if it was plugged. Yes it was, i changed the batteries. And still nothing. My cursor could be dragged but i would never respond if i right click or left nor. Same with moving the center, then the whole entire task bar stopped loading. So i thought maybe i need to restart my computer. So i click on the windows icon on the task bar, and it did nothing, agter waiting for about 10 minutes. It still never loaded. So i pressed ctrl alt F4. But it didnt work either. So i thoight maybe my computer was frozen again, so i moved my mouse a bit, and my cursor moved so it wasnt frozen. Nothing would load expect for the folder tab, so i tried to delete some files to make my computer fast, but as soon as i click ONCE, the whole enitre thing freezes and i had to wait a long time for it to close itself. Then i got a small little pop up in the bottom left corner saying “Warning: are you sure that you want to contuine, could not locate (forgot what it was but it was a file name), if you contuine then the system may not respond” so i clicked cancel, then my computer restarted. It was working until i logged in again. The whole entire thing happended again, but worse. My stuff started loading sloly back. But while waiting i noticed that random things kept opening. Like 2 notepads opended, the microsoft playstore. And even Microsoft Xbox. And they all never loaded. I couldnt even see the x to close it. Currently i am still trying to fix this. Stuff is loading slowly, yet it is getting worse by the minute, the screen is fine, the harddrive is fine. But the system is not good. And i can not check how bad it is because the keyboard doesnt work, right now i am typing this with my phone. I have done all the suggestions microsoft has given me, all include windows start. But windows start doesn’t even load, nor does it even load when i click it. My computer is not even 3 months old and i have run into this problem, i don’t know if this is even malware or not, because never have i seen something like this. I know my fair share of viruses, and how to detect them. I have an Anti virus and Windows defender. And i don’t download anything. I need assistance on what to do. I’ll be contacting a tech worker soon as well

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