Windows 10 I too am sick of any forced updates for Windows 10

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Ruth 801

Why our government does put a stop to what Microsoft is doing is beyond me. In May of 2016 Microsoft had to write a new Privacy Statement for everyone in France. France sued them. I don’t know why, but I put in a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission because I believe Microsoft is in violation of

I really wonder how many people think that Windows 10 is designed to prevent the people who own Windows 10 on our personal computers have no control over anything on our own computers? When was the last time you were notified that there were updates available for Windows 10 and received a listing that told you what was in each of the available updates so the owner could decide which updates we wanted? It was before Windows 10 wasn’t it? Do any of you know what was or will be any of the new Versions? What was really in version 1607, 1703 and what’s in 1709?

Why is Microsoft hiding that information? We don’t know what’s in the pending updates and we don’t know what was added to our computers once the downloads are installed. I’ve called repeatedly to try to find out. On 2/14/18, 46 Quality Updates were forced onto my computer for version 1703. Just two days later, I was told I needed to restart my computer so the New 21 updates for Version 1709. Why add 46 updates for 1703 when Microsoft knew they were going to yet another New Version 1709?

I called Microsoft about this. I waited 30 minutes on hold. You know how annoying that is! The music is always 10 time louder the any of their employees, but I guess the music is better than their commercials constantly tell us how great their product are, and on the 16th the ad was going on and on and on. Did you know that a large portion of 1703 or 1709, maybe both was preparing our computers to use 3D? “You can dab, or double, or whatever adjectives they were using just made me angry.

Did they as if I was interested in 3D? Of course not, they don’t allow customers to make any decisions. I don’t us or want One Note, a calendar on my computer, Access, Power Point or Excel. I’m retired and this is a home computer not a business. I don’t need to edit videos. And, I certainly don’t want or use Cortana, Edge or Wi Fi sense. Think about, all of these new programs that we can uninstall or disable, were designed for Windows 10. If you get rid of them they can’t monitor everything you do on your computer.

I checked on the internet to how much your new CEO, Satya Nadella makes. I found an article from October 2014 and here's the breakdown Microsoft reported to Business Insider. Microsoft just revealed how much it is paying its new CEO, Satya Nadella. All told for the first year, it's a package worth $84 million, the company said in a regulatory filing. It breaks down like this: base salary of $918,917, a cash bonus of $3.6 million, a one- time grant of stock valued at $59.2 million in connection with his promotion to CEO that he will not be able to cash out until 2019, and another one-time stock grant worth $13.5 million given to him in August 2013 to keep him around during the CEO search process. With these grants, his stock holdings jumped from 231,116 shares before he was CEO to 4.9 million shares after he got the job. Microsoft says that without the 2 different one-time stock grants, his compensation adds up to the much more modest sum of $11.6 million. The company also agreed to a $17.5 million golden parachute if the whole CEO gig doesn't workout.

In my opinion the current CEO was paid $83,999,999 too much since he does absolutely nothing to address your customers questions or problems. I guess Microsoft had to start abusing your customers privacy to come up with the grossly inflated salary to feed his grossly inflated opinion of himself. I'll be glad to replace him for $6 million a year, and I'd make sure that your customers were getting good service and would never invade their privacy.

My computer came with Windows 10. I remember feeling shocked when I read, “By accepting this agreement or using the software, you agree to all of these terms, and consent to the transmission of certain information during activation and during your use of the software as per the privacy statement described in Section 3. If you do not accept and comply with these terms, you may not use the software or its features.” I hadn’t even seen the Privacy Statement. I had just started my new computer for the first time.

When I saw “we will access, disclose and preserve personal data", including the contents of emails or files in private folders. It’s not just personal data, it ‘s your contacts and even your financial information, I thought, they can’t legally do that without a warrant that has my name on it. Whether it’s legal or not, I know they are watching everything. I had a brother murdered, I went to the hearing and email my 6 living siblings with the awful details. Beaten, multiple stab wounds, ran over him 3 times, and cut his throat. As soon as I hit Send, I got a popup box from Microsoft “wanting me to help them by allowing them to share several full sentences with “others”! I was livid and told me to get out of my private documents! Oh, and they didn’t bother to explain who the “others” were, or if the others could possibly continue to get it out whenever they wanted to.

So, I didn’t agree to this new privacy statement and I would never give them Carte Blanche with my personal information. The Federal Trade Commission passed the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act of 1998. It’s 48 pages, but page 11 breaks it down to wording anyone can understand. Here that breakdown:

The Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act make it a federal crime when someone: “knowing transfers or uses, without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person with the intent to commit, or to aid or abet, any unlawful activity that constitutes a violation of federal law, or that constitutes a felony under any applicable state or local law. Note that under the Act, a name, or Social Security Number is considered a “means of identification”. So is a credit card number, cellular telephone electric serial number or any other piece of information that may be used alone or in conjunction with other information to identify a specific individual”.

Of course, that didn’t stop Microsoft. They are still monitoring everything I do. I tried several times to email Microsoft’s CEO, Staya Nadella, but my messages kept disappearing before I had typed more than 8 or 9 lines. But in trying to find ways to tell Microsoft how disappointed I was with their new methods of Customer Service I found what could be the answer to why customers of Microsoft have lost all rights to be informed on updates or to be able to choose which updates we wanted.

I checked on the internet to how much your new CEO, Satya Nadella makes. I found an article from October 2014 and here's the breakdown Microsoft reported to Business Insider. Microsoft just revealed how much it is paying its new CEO, Satya Nadella. All told for the first year, it's a package worth $84 million, the company said in a regulatory filing. It breaks down like this: base salary of $918,917, a cash bonus of $3.6 million, a one-time grant of stock valued at $59.2 million in connection with his promotion to CEO that he will not be able to cash out until 2019, and another one-time stock grant worth $13.5 million given to him in August 2013 to keep him around during the CEO search process. With these grants, his stock holdings jumped from 231,116 shares before he was CEO to 4.9 million shares after he got the job. Microsoft says that without the 2 different one-time stock grants, his compensation adds up to the much more modest sum of $11.6 million. The company also agreed to a $17.5 million golden parachute if the whole CEO gig doesn't work out.

I guess that’s why our private information has become the new cash cow for Microsoft. I have had it. I want Microsoft to acting in a professional manner by furnishing customers with details of what each update contains, then it would be up to the customers to pick the updates we want. After all, when I bought my new computer that had Windows 10 already installed, the software and computer became my property.

I don’t allow Microsoft to entertain anyone they want to in my home. It my property and I don’t want or need Microsoft to decide what should be added to my computer. Why? Because my computer belongs to me, NOT MICROSOFT.

I wasn’t happy but about getting version 1607 without know what it had. I might have liked so of it, but it was forced onto my computer. The same thing happened with version 1703. Again, I have no idea what it contained. But I’m not going to stand for any more forcible actions from Microsoft. It won’t be ease to un-install any updates Microsoft will be sending, but I have on all update for 1709.

If enough of us demand better treatment we might wind a new Privacy Statement too. Microsoft needs to remember there are other software companies and other operating systems available. What do you say, do you want these things to stop?!?!?!?

Ruth 8/01

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