Windows 10 i want to know what is the problem bsod/black screen for a while now

  • Thread starter Thread starter CrimsonBorne
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helllo everyone

cpu i5 9600k

gpu gtx 1660ti

btw everything said here it happening while im using the pc like when im gaming or researching watching anything

so i ve been experincing bsod mostly ( critcal procces died ) and for some reason when this type of bsod happen for somereason it wont collect the data and stays at 0% and then restart then they give me black screen with a msg i dont remeber exactly what it said but something like this ( reboot and select a proper boot device or insert a boot media in selected boot device and bress a key )

and my pc froze alot and restart by itself

its been happening for a long time now

and please dont tell me download this try that go to bios go and try this

ive done alot of **** that did no help me at all

so i came to a conclusion that its hardware issue i need to change the spec the thing is which spec?

like i said above most of my bsod like 95% of them is with a issue ( critcal process died ) and i think thats from my gpu?

alot of times when i get crashes like this ( bsod , pc just crashes and restart with no warning ) after my pc restart my screen wont display anything all of sudden so i tried something by restarting my pc over and over and boom my monitor display again and everything works fine untill i get my next bsod/ black screen restart

and ive done some experiment to my computer i waited until my pc crashes and restart and wait tell my pc boot and work then see if my monitor wont display after that what i do i plug the monitor from the gpu to the cpu so the cpu using its power to display the monitor

and guess what. my monitor start displaying and i found myself in my desktop

so i tried some stuff
i went to my GeForce experience program

and it gave me a msg it was something like this ( we cant run GeForce experience bcs it need a GeForce gpu )

its like my gpu its not there at all

until i restart my pc over and over again to detected my gpu

so i came to conclusion that its from my gpu

so im here so guys confirm me thats my conclusion is correct

if not tell me what other problem that maybe cause

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