Windows 10 Indexing issue: drive is shown and "available" but never appears in "selected locations" when selected

  • Thread starter Thread starter IanKimbell
  • Start date Start date



I have 3 SATA drives on my Windows 10, C: (duh), all my data on D: and then a Temp drive T: All 3 are shown as options in the "Indexed Locations" box.

Here is the kicker

- if I select D: in selected location then T: is shown in the summary

- if I select T: then T is shown

- If I select D and T only T is shown.

I have tried rebuilding the index - twice - no joy

I tried changing the drive letter (from D: to F:) - no joy

I have tried the old "add the channel number" to “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\storahci\Parameters\Device” - no joy

D and T used to be in a RAID 1 relationship but I stopped that.. Any ideas how I can index D:?

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