Windows 10 Issues with time zone formats

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zergur Vorghiz
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Zergur Vorghiz

This was a problem I had a while ago but ignored because it was minor, but recently learned it's causing other issues that i'll get to later. First i'll just give some context: you can ignore the first paragraph if you want.

So it started with me wanting to change my computer to military time, since I am trying to get used to using both 12hr and 24hr times since they are both popular around the world. Similarly, i also value being able to understand d/m/y formatting of dates since that's used basically everywhere outside of my country (USA) and it's less confusing honestly. However i noticed that my settings did not allow d/m/y formatting at all, so I toyed with my location settings (or something else, i honestly dont remember) and changed my language to european english. (can't seem to change it back to american english for some reason, it just doesn't appear as an option in the drop down menu.) Good news: I can use 24 hr time and d/m/y format now. Bad news: I only have the options for formats that include unnecessary zeros (for example, today is 22/09/2020. I would prefer for that to say 22/9/2020. Same issue with the 24hr time.) But again, this was pretty ignorable so i forgot about it.

But ever since I started online school, I realized that my calculator uses commas as decimals, and vice versa. I know learning european formats is what I like to do, but getting used to this just seems way more complicated than useful. I've talked to europeans about date and time formats several times, but not once number formatting. The fact that it's confusing is especially bad for using it during school. I know i may need a graphing calculator for my math class, but for other classes it's nice to have something I can pull up in literally 5 seconds.

So, summary of what i'm looking for (all at once obviously):

d/m/y format (not 0d/0m/yy format, hence the example from earlier)

x:xx 24hr time format

american calculator format (periods used for decimals and commas used for large numbers)

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