Windows 10 Just for all the people right now that are hacked and feel crazy your not apps are comprimized in a way of being impersanated to

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So I having same issue to the tea and its been identical responses from all help. well all is a very small amount of people cause well there the lucky ones that get to "pester" the rude inexperienced stressed out people on the other end of that hot line. Now think back to when it first started did ya build the computer your self? Or was it given to you with a hacked ver of windows or maybe your buddies computer guy fixed it once for you and ya realized then there was something just not right and all of a sudden your lap tops key is a hacked version on your laptop. Well then your guilty and these "selected" Few are set to literally "Pester" you(weather ordered or not by the corporation). Everyone will say no way that cant even be real well, it is they study your sleep refer to you as subject if your lucky enough to see a transferred msg or log with communication, and don't be so nieve as to think you will be able to save those things cause like most of you said these guys/sirls will out code out smart and out maneuver you at every turn. Ask your question HOW are they doing this even with the vulnerabilities as of late I can only find very few people with this issue, and that my fellow crazies is the key I >assure< you!That one word look familiar to you I bet all of us sprung and where treated so bad that we will never feel the same about anything Microsoft again and that is why its only the few that are well >init<(again another word you will not find anywhere but we all see on a daily.)

Now because we cant trust our pcs or well any device cause we all cinque everything together and give above normal access to our trust installer/fav apps so with a couple very intelligent individuals all around the world start to "pester" you after a couple months your just about certifiable and all your friends and family think the same. Come on who be leaves ya the techs ya spend thousands of dollars on ok well I did cause I was trying to save a gaming pc I have saved for for 6 or so years at a cost of 5500 bucks. I'm beating the only thing we have in common with the computers themselves is at one time in our day we pinged Microsoft or where somewhere we should not of been, or where just wet around the ears with a begging trend. or we have a viruses that s hidden deep and no one wants to tell you what's really going on so we all have started to dig. Right trying to gain controle of your own computer in your house with a stranger just walking through the whole thing from gaining access cause we let it in. I can even bet that after that first opps ya got frustrated and just stopped or ya fight with-it for 4 years like one poor sole I heard now don't get me wrong I'm not here with pitch fork and flams I'm here cause if this is some sort of punishment clause in something we accepted ok I get it . but where is my trial or explanation to what I had done where are my peers to judge me fairly. There where none. nothing not even as I begged to be left alone and once I broke down and I cried. I Have a daughter just about that age where every boy becomes evil. ya don't need as a father to also not be able to protect your family in there own house or give them there xmas gifts cause your scared there new phones and pcs will ujust get pulled into the mix. which wel they do I have my sons laptop sighing in pieces a phone that's been locked with a kek key and tablet that's been at my mother inlaws and is still there cause I cant bring it into the house cause consumed by these app and azure entities. Cause well if you don't already know your a virtual system and your miricast is the device the project on what you think is empty space in your hard drive but the reason for a thousand ports irqus is cause every one that come to your computer has a different set up and need to be able to be the middleman between your devices and you.

now I know none of his will me the mainstream or anywhere but maybe whoever reads it will pace there own judgement on the evidence I am going to give now please understand my new girlfriend has no idea about computers and me I just love to tinker and think. She is guilty of one thing tv she loves movies new and old and she streams and yes I know horrible but yes there is a but, most of those shows she pirates and steals she also then owns she buys a ton of that stuff and supports the industry handsomely, Me I game not a pirated version of anything every I think when I was literally around 20 I tried to find some cracked version of I cant remember but that turned out bad for years to come. t was my IE history haunted me no mater how many times it was erased always came back but that was all really until recently. See I'm sure we all have some stupid but this is not ok this could have avoided so much a question most of us would trip over our selves to explain but we never had that chance. I was told that my original computer had a store demo windows 7 base I know that's not true that has been with me since xp and I up graded to 7pro and then 10 but hers my sentence its laterally with the devil lol'' my wx has my 7 up grade in her attic maybe as a pillow and she dreams of this moment everyday. well and now my GF she had 2 lap tops one hers one her daughters both registered to 7 pro no hack. so we thought well to me and here the quest was why was it hacked well short ethics went the local pc guru kids thing he liked the team viewer and would seem might have manipulated cause and effect polices to sum up an income when ever he nodded that's not her fault she had ) idea.

but now there is the part most wont like to here this is not all the people that started theses fault well maybe but with the now www,w3 free international windows we are running (which I'm guessing when they stick us up in the cloud is cause we are naughty) . and well protection of the product cause back to that little glitch in ie now this is speculation but most is. is the real kicker they opened Pandora's box so to speak I bet you chek google and anywhere else you have been nailed by a firm or your phone has pooped up in some crazy part of the world you have les heard off then been and sites are keeping results from you cause of plagiarism copyright exc. this hackers which they are threw and threw are stealing everything you have on around have looked at or touched around you to supply the worlds largest forgery factory so between windows pester/self protect mode and this or these hackers you stand no chance but with the help of windows all our local federal agencies I'm sure we can smash them I know I have a tone of info on ok no laughing a camera just and old camera lol like 400 pics of some of the most crazy stuff I have ever seen and windows keep your pants on nothing full never I'm not stealing but someone is truly in all our homes and is using miricast as a bubble viewer of sorts right down the bios level and well I mean before or that I would truly rather be you guys and not one of us are innocent we where straight up doing what where not suppose to do we ae suppose to get the professionals to handle this but not one of the new techs even understand that a macro was the 90 hacking h bomb and is coming back with a stylish vengeance when its been out of play for years. so we cant blame Microsoft for the crazy but we can blame them for not listening to us or giving us novice just like to tinker types a break we weren't trying to steal nothing as you can tell we wouldn't still be in this situation if we where. so before any starts being mean or making fun or telling me its in the wrong forum stop goto another page please if its not happened to you will never believe till it does cause as a tech will tell you no ram can hold memory after there is no power oh ya I had 5gigs held in there for a night in a day on my dresser hows that trickery or wow . but I could go on but that will get no solution so why don't we all use this thread to start working on a solution and if your are a pirating cheapskate please move on your the reason these people exist thanks btw, but really move on. so for the rest come on were not getting anywhere with the blam game and we can sure as hell make our own moves with some of the very intelligent people in some of the horror stories I read I will check as often as my computer wil let me and MS if your worried about loosing your tech through me a 95 copy of windows for now fight old with old lol k well I hope this does hit some ears on both sides and all can just come together cause its an all of our problem not just one intel knows they know but no one wants to be liable so how bout we are all liable and then we can fix it this cant be generated by a simulation or corporate attack this is very much basis by basis I think. Again I'm not a writer nor a computer science major or anything else but I got a good thinker and have ocd we can do this so please guys/girls come on.lets take our digital lives back. ` all that our new to this bug after patch again I think it a sleeper and MS is only responsible for the error police with tunnel vision lol well I could be wrong and if so see ya in court just kidding I spent all my money on techs that swore it would be fixed until I got it home and turned it on everytime I'm sure you will do right buy us if this reaches an actual employey

Ps no scans work cause your computer is no longer infected your a vM 32 bit and there running a 64 bit on the same computer and now that's impersonation lvl crazy but really true and huge risk cause they actually change your keyboard imput to be able to control those password you have no idea why they wont work

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