Windows 10 Make a user standard on Windows 10 home

  • Thread starter Thread starter SlickRCBD
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My mother is not very computer literate, but she just bought a new laptop with Win10 home.

She had partially set it up, before asking me for help since she couldn't get office to work as it kept asking her to pay for it (she didn't realize that the preinstalled Office 360 was the trial version, they advertised on the box that it had Office preinstalled).

She caused enough havok back when I was in school with Windows 98 and malware that when XP came out I limited her to the limited accounts.

She hasn't gotten much better in the last 20 years. I don't trust her with an admin account, but she set herself up with one.

Also apparently the Microsoft account linked account she set up does not make the same username as the computers on my workgroup network, so I was unable to automatically connect to my predownloaded installers for things like LibreOffice (it's not like I can install her copy of Office 2003 on Windows 10, at least not easily) without manually entering the passwords.

Is there an easy way to create a standard account using her old username and link it to the new microsoft accounts she set up rather than this new admin account, and create me an admin account with my standard admin username so I don't have to remember something special?

The big problem is how her new admin account is already l inked to a Microsoft account, and I recall disassociating the Microsoft account to be a pain.

The easiest solution I see is to forget about the old username as I doubt she'll be connecting to my computers much and demote that account to a standard account and set up a new admin account for myself.

I'm the one with the degree in CIS, and I hate to say it I don't trust her with the admin account not to fall for the first website that says "You need to update your Flash player to use this website, please install this .exe" (and yes I'm well aware of the state of Macromedia Flash).

So, what's the easiest solution to this setup problem?

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