Windows 10 Memory Leak when using start menu on second monitor.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Reuben Bauer
  • Start date Start date

Reuben Bauer

Hi,I have a strange problem with my Win 10 PC grinding to a halt. I have narrowed it down to opening the start menu on a second monitor. The primary screen works fine. It can balloon out to 30+ GB memory usage under explorer.exe(system RAM 16GB and consuming page file). It will usually crash explorer beyond this point. Normally only 4~5 seconds to consume 100% Phisical memory. I have followed many explorer memory leak guides with no success. Like below....sfc /scannowDISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealthwsreset.exefor %i in (%windir%\\system32\\*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %ichkdsk C: /fDiff

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