I was happily scanning lots of images to my pc this morning. 300dpi JPEG's for an art project. This is the first time I've scanned to JPEG as I've only used my scanner for Pdf's in the past.
The scanning became slow and it was only then I noticed that every scan had opened a new copy of MS Paint.
There are loads of large file in lots of MS Paint Windows now and I can't do anything.
Force quit doesn't respond. I've managed to close down a couple of times now but they all open again on Start up and lock the machine up again.
I need to be able to do some work as I am still working from home because of lock down.
Please someone help?
Thank you in advance.
Stay safe.
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I was happily scanning lots of images to my pc this morning. 300dpi JPEG's for an art project. This is the first time I've scanned to JPEG as I've only used my scanner for Pdf's in the past.
The scanning became slow and it was only then I noticed that every scan had opened a new copy of MS Paint.
There are loads of large file in lots of MS Paint Windows now and I can't do anything.
Force quit doesn't respond. I've managed to close down a couple of times now but they all open again on Start up and lock the machine up again.
I need to be able to do some work as I am still working from home because of lock down.
Please someone help?
Thank you in advance.
Stay safe.
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