Windows 11 My 3 year old Surface Laptop with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7660U CPU @ 2.50GHz which I bought with around $2500 USD does not support Windows 11!! I want a


Rana Badawy

Hello,I have invested $2,500 in buying my "cutting edge" Microsoft Surface Laptop just 3 years ago! My laptop has Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7660U CPU @ 2.50GHz...How is it acceptable for Microsoft to announce that this CPU version will not be able to run Windows 11 without any compensation for the users or instructions for what they are to do next?Does this mean my $2,500 investment just went down the drain?? How will Microsoft compensate the users for that? Is it possible to change my CPU?Regards,A very disappointed Surface Laptop Owner

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