Windows XP my computer is set at 1024 x768 did a d/l on a new game have borders and cannot play an

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Jan 10, 2007
In the Machine
If anyone can help...the game was offered by a trusted game site I have used for three years...only have had problems is their 'trademark' game offered once a year at thanksgiving...the original size stated from what I read would be o.k. for my computer
to handle...but when game came out I honestly did not check the release I downloaded...played a while...could not figure why the screenshots looked had lots of use of video moments...well at the time they worked well...but
thats not the end...I went back to my regular webpage and found there were many members 'upset' at how this game somehow had black borders on top and to the right...THEN...I uninstalled both the game and the 'game manager', messed with the settings (not working)
so set back to original, did the ratio aspect check, ran chkdsk diagdx, changed page sizes, turned off computer (it did work last time when this happened) still have the toolbar at bottom showing a 'squeezed up' status and my REGULAR games are WAY OUT
of size when I try to play, cannot read the bottom at all...just had the puter fixed and updated august 2012 and EVERYTHING about this game site WORKED! am in a living '****' b/c I have over 400+ plus games I cannot play, unless I guess what the heck
is needed per screenshot...I have notified this game site with a 'fix it' report...but I cannot afford to change up anything in puter at this time to 'just run' their 'game of the year'...I am so dissappointed as I told myself 'do not try this year' as last
year was a 'warning' when that 2011 game did not play, at least it told me 'up front' that I did not have the updated 'video card'....will not spend the money on a card just for ONE GAME!...sorry to vent but its the four day holiday and my gaming is now limited
to just about a 'no play status'...I am thankful it has not messed with the regular functions I use daily...but the boders are still showing when I open my system...not good! I have a acer monitor that does an 'auto adjust' ... I am wondering if its a problem?...cannot
believe one game can do this problem with the regular screen display??? thanks, if u any suggestions I may have overlooked let me know...just plain flustrated!....vk

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