Windows 10 My pc no longer has access to Microsoft account, after adding local/child user to different pc

  • Thread starter Thread starter RobbyK1
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My family set up, Me, son G, and son A

Laptop 1 laptop 2 laptop 3

My email is primary, and I am listed as admin on all 3 pc's, with the boys listed as a child account.

Until yesterday, we had two pc's active, mine and son G. The other day I found a really old laptop in the closet, one of the keys doesn't work, so you can't type on it (key melted by cigarette, and it won't press, there is no damage to board or anything like that, it works perfect other than the one key, and it's slow as a sloth.

1.So this morning I decided to get it set up for my son A, who is autistic, put some educational games on it, and if he destroys it (as he usually does), I haven't lost anything.

2. So I go to Settings>Family> and enter his email and other information, then get back on my laptop 1, and go to online Family settings, and set up the device and his email account. Here is where it gets catawampus.

3.I send the email invite to his email, planning on going back to his device 3 and finishing the set up, and accept the invite and such. But as soon as I send the email,

4. I go back to what is supposed to be my account. It does not exist anymore, I get a message to set up a new family account. Now how did my account, my device, and my email all disappear just by sending him an invite?

5. Pc 2 shows all accounts on & off line, but it was off when this happened, and has remained off the entire time except when I turned it on to check the accounts

6. Pc 3 was my pc, until my cigarette dropped on it, and I bought what is now device 1. So I have been listed as admin on it for a couple of years,

7. When I reboot #3, it gets to the log in screen, and I click my name/email, and it takes me to the brand new pc setup screen.. Which I can bypass, and I'm looking at the exact icon layout that was there to start with. My name is still on all the files that is left on it.

8. Going to Settings>Family> shows the other devices, and both boys and their email but not mine, but I can still log in with my account

9. Going to > Family on my computer shows only one user/device/email attached to pc, but I haven't accepted the family invite yet, which was sent 5 hours ago, and has not arrived at my email yet.

10. Neither my account or email exist anywhere, but on the login screen of the three pc's.

11.Now this will really confuse the hell out of you, I know it did me. I was on my phone, and received notification of email arriving on my hotmail account, so I click the notification, and not only is the new email there, but the invite is there, and has been since 1 minute after sending it 5 hours ago. So I get back on my pc 1, and open chrome, go to hotmail, and neither the invite nor the new email is showing up. It does on my phone, not on my pc.. ****? How does that even work? An email show up on one device not another, it does not make sense, but it's what's happening. Of course an admin acct/email should not just disappear sending an invite, but it did.

This is the second time I've posted this post, the first time I got a screen that said it had been posted, or whatever it says, that was too many hours ago. But it never showed up. Also, when I logged into this community I got an email that said welcome to Help and support (or whatever wording), but I should not have gotten that email as I've been a member of this group for a few years I believe, at least one full year. I figure it has to do with my email account no longer existing in the Windows system.

Can anyone help, I've never seen anything like this. I can usually figure out most windows problems, but this is above my paygrade.

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