Windows 10 Mysterious intermittent high CPU temps with no active processes - Windows Update related?

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Hi there -

TLDR: CPU temps are really high, it isn't a CPU cooler issue and no obvious CPU usage causing it. Out of ideas to fix it.

I am running Windows 10 on a machine with an 6850k and a Corsair H100 AIO cooler. I have the CPU OC'd to 4.1GHz. About 8 or 9 months ago, I noticed that my CPU temps shot up seemingly overnight from 30c - 35c idle to 40c - 50c with the same ambient temp of around 20c - 23c. I monitored the CPU usage and never say anything strange or new - system idle remained at 99% and there was an occasional blip of less than 1% overall CPU usage from a combination of Norton, Task Manager, Open hardware manager and a couple other minor things. Eventually, the idle temps increased to 50c - 55c with temps hitting 85c - 100c under load. I applied new thermal paste and re-seated the cpu block. Temps dropped about 10c, but then increased again after a few weeks.

Fast forward several months (a week ago). I moved to a new home and when I setup the PC, magically the temps were back to where they should be and stayed that way until today. I've been struggling to get the Windows Update to build 1803 since for almost 18 months. My snooze option expired last night - as usual, I woke up, turned on the PC this morning (it had shut down while trying to update - I usually leave it running) and everything was still ok (I confirmed that for about the 30th time, the update failed). I decided to try to actually fix the problem - did some troubleshooting, followed some suggestions for bios tweaks and installing the update manually - everything failed, so I finally just hid the updating using Microsoft's tool. Now, however, my CPU temps are all jacked up again. There are no system processes running at more than 1 or 2% CPU usage. Overall CPU usage fluctuates between .1 and maybe 2.5% while idle.

I'm at a loss.

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