Windows 10 outlook rarely can connect to the server

  • Thread starter Thread starter AndromedaGirl
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outlook has been very frustrating to run over the past year.

on my desktop machine, running windows 10, outlook suddenly had issues connecting to the server.

having multiple email addresses for work, those connect, send and receive mail just fine. but the hotmail account refuses to connect.

the computer is always online, i can browse online, do anything online- but not use outlook with the hotmail account, [which is the default account, i guess would be the way to explain it.]

it keeps telling me i need to input my password, that is may not be saved or incorrect, which is nonsense.

i keep getting periodic popups from windows telling me that i need to enter my password in order for outlook to connect- however it does not give me anything in order to do so.

the key icon in outlook shows up on the banner with other tools, telling me to input my password, but again,. it's not like outlook is giving me any way to actually input the password it always used to use automatically.

after rebooting numerous times, shutting outlook down multiple times, clicking on the key icon, closing the 'outlook cannot connect to the server' popup numerous times, one of two things may or may not happen after several hours of this: either outlook suddenly just connects all by itself, or, it gives me a 'enter password to connect' popup that finally lets me in.

so this is the desktop machine over the past year.

my laptop never had this problem- until three days ago. except with the laptop, it never does give me a 'enter your password' popip window, it just either never connects ever or suddenly it just does after hours of trying and eventually giving up and going online or to my mobile phone for hotmail.

both computers will always be online when this takes place, both computers running outlook will let me send and receive from my other [work] email addresses- only outlook and the default hotmail account refuses to connect and doesn't provide a way to enter my password to slap it into alertness.

i began using outlook when my 'mail' [it's just called 'mail'] program refused to let me access one of my work email addresses so i gave up using it. even when setting outlook as the default email program, mail still operates as if it is the default email program [and i can always connect to hotmail with it, oddly enough] but i sure cannot remove it from the computer because sometimes i wonder if 'mail' interferes with outlook, although having 'mail' at least lets me get my hotmail messages as a backup.

it's ridiculous. ongoing for over a year on my desktop, and now suddenly happening with the laptop- despite the laptop not having a windows update or other changes that coincide with the problem arising [and yes it runs on the same OS as the desktop]

i have updated, 'repaired', reinstalled and done everything i can think of to correct this problem with office / outlook and the problem persists.

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