Windows 11 Ping Spikes, Intermittent Internet Speeds

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pola Poker
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Pola Poker

Hello,I am using Windows 11, 11th Gen Intel Core i5 *** Email address is removed for privacy *** GHz; 6 core 32GB Ram new build this year.My internet speeds often get ping spikes and latency issues, and will go from 200+MB down, decreasing to 40MB at ALL times throughout the day, morning, noon, late night.I found a support tab here where a user had similar issues. These will often fix the problem and give me 200+ down and consistent speeds, but if I shut down my system, the problem comes back with high pings and lower internet speeds.I've also changed my DNS servers, changed location of WiFi (all my other devices get 200+ do

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