Windows 10 Please allow UWP apps to disable task bar and title bar popups when in windows fullscreen.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gavin.Williams
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This probably requires a combination solution from both Windows and the WinRT team. I posted elsewhere, but it was closed ...
Allow UWP apps to lock task bar and title bar popups - Developer Community

The issue with app & desktop popups is that it shouldn't happen when an app/game is in windowed fullscreen mode because it interferes with edge detection, which is a commonly used technique in games - for example: Starcraft uses the screen edge to scroll the camera - and is also a common incidental occurrence, unrelated to intention.

UWP applications as they currently behave could never have a game like Starcraft. That's a huge problem for the platform. And beyond games that use edge detection, having the task bar or title bar popup in games is generally unacceptable. I've seen Minecraft and Astroneer both suffering popups that are not requested. You're making an assumption that just because the mouse is at the top or bottom of the screen, that we want the bars to popup. That is not the case, it often just happens that that's where the mouse ends up as we move it around. Alt-Tab is already available for switching to desktop if I need it. And games are always closable in software.

Another issue comes from this bad behavior. When the title bar and task bar popup they initiate a HDR <-> SDR switch causing flickering or even the entire video and audio feed dropping out as the color mode switches.

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