Windows 10 Problems updating Windows 10

  • Thread starter Thread starter Meinevan der Sluis
  • Start date Start date

Meinevan der Sluis

In history of Windows 10 Update I see a lot of errors 0x8007002. In the event log there were several warnings in System: DistributedCOM 10016. There were several message, for more than one CLSID an APPID.

I found this solution: Error - Event ID: 10016; DistributedCOM and did use it on all the error messages.

That dit not solve the problem. I have now even more error message. All the same:

In de machtigingsinstellingen toepassingsspecifiek wordt de machtiging Activeren niet verleend aan Lokaal voor de COM-servertoepassing met CLSID




aan de gebruiker PC-Meine\Meine SID (S-1-5-21-2848343074-2724202963-2157728127-1000) met het adres LocalHost (via LRPC) die wordt uitgevoerd in de toepassingscontainer Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_1.13.0.18362_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy SID (S-1-15-2-1861897761-1695161497-2927542615-642690995-327840285-2659745135-2630312742). Deze beveiligingsmachtiging kan worden gewijzigd met het beheerprogramma van Component Services.

Yes i am Dutch and it is a Dutch machine.

Windows has now several problems: The windows button on the screen does not react. Right clicks on system tray programs: no reaction.

Please help.

Kind regards Meine

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