Windows 10 Random power offs / Event Viewer MMC snap-in errors / USB failure when battery low

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kamereone
  • Start date Start date


I'm hoping to avoid a refresh/reset, not sure if I'm looking at one problem or three...

Surface 3 // 4GB RAM // Win10 Home x64 [Version 10.0.17134.829]


  1. First, it was the internal USB hub - which includes the keyboard-cover and bluetooth - that would suddenly quit working. Lately it's been polite enough to pop up an 'unrecognized device' 'device stopped working' error, but it didn't originally. Usually happens when battery is at or below 20%, but has happened as high as 35%. Hasn't happened when plugged in and charging. Full charge overnight sometimes fixes it, rebooting always does.
  2. More frustratingly, now the darn thing just randomly turns off. Could have been running for days or minutes, a dozen programs open or just one. No freezing, no BSOD, no sluggish behavior or maxed out resources, not even a lingering backlight. Just *poof* buh-bye. It'll either boot right back up when I push the button, or sometimes it will come up, get to the login screen, and turn right back off again. Seems to happen more when battery is below 50% and is more likely to turn back on properly if I plug in.
  3. And most recently, Event Viewer is throwing errors. It opens, loads, and the summary screen displays just fine. If I try to click to open something, I get a pop-up about a snap-in error. If I elect to unload the snap-in (alternative being 'report error and close') none of the other views will load (image below), and usually another error is thrown (stack trace included below).

What I've tried thus far:

  • Event Viewer (it worked when this all started) didn't show any noticeable patterns prior to the USB errors or the sudden power off occurrences.
  • Device Manager - Disable/reenable, Remove/reboot, uninstall/reinstalling drivers, for both the battery and USB hub.
  • Rebooting is the only way to get the the internal USB working again. Sometimes leaving it to 'sleep' and fully charge works as well. Reaching a full charge while actively using it doesn't seem to work.
  • Windows Update, Defender full scan, defender offline scan, booting into safe mode. DSIM, battery health scan.
  • Disabled start-up programs, including SkyOneDrive.
  • Lowered the battery saver trigger lever.
  • Reset all the battery power profiles to default.
  • Disabled automatic battery saver altogether.
  • Banged head against wall.

Any ideas, other than a refresh/restore/reimage? It's driving me nuts that there seems to be nothing wrong (aside from the recent Event Viewer development) and I'd like to at least know what I broke before taking drastic measures.


After opening event viewer, all appears well, and Overview and Summary items in the center viewing pane can be expanded. Clicking 'Custom Views' seemed promising to start, and then threw the following error:

Unhandled Exception in Managed Code Snap-In


The process cannot access the file 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Event Viewer\Views\View_0.xml' because it is being used by another process.

at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)

at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)

at Microsoft.Windows.ManagementUI.CombinedControls.EventsNode.get_IsReadOnlyView()

at Microsoft.Windows.ManagementUI.CombinedControls.EventsNode.UpdateReadOnly()

at Microsoft.Windows.ManagementUI.CombinedControls.EventsNode.InitializeQueryNode(FileInfo fileInfo)

at Microsoft.Windows.ManagementUI.CombinedControls.EventsNode.AddSubNodes(DirectoryInfo dir, EventNodeType nodeType, Boolean userQuery, String standardViewConfig)

at Microsoft.Windows.ManagementUI.CombinedControls.EventsNode.AddSavedQueryNodes()

at Microsoft.Windows.ManagementUI.CombinedControls.EventsNode.CreateChildNodes()

at Microsoft.EventViewer.SnapIn.MMCEventsNode.ExpandNode()

at Microsoft.EventViewer.SnapIn.MMCEventsNode.OnExpand(AsyncStatus status)

at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.NodeSyncManager.ProcessRequest(NodeRequestInfo info, IRequestStatus requestStatus)

at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.SnapIn.ProcessRequest(Request request)

at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Internal.SnapInClient.Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Internal.IMessageClient.ProcessRequest(Request request)

at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Internal.IMessageClient.ProcessRequest(Request request)

at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Executive.RequestStatus.BeginRequest(IMessageClient messageClient, RequestInfo requestInfo)

at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Executive.SnapInRequestOperation.ProcessRequest()

at Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Executive.Operation.OnThreadTransfer(SimpleOperationCallback callback)

Behavior is pretty much identical no matter what I click, actions pane or the folder/navigation pane.

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