Windows 10 many more times am I going to have to restart/reinstall Windows this year?

  • Thread starter Thread starter SheriWilson
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As if COVID hasn't made 2020 bad enough, Microsoft has seemingly profited right along with it with its updates that started, at least for me, in February of this year when I lost the entire last 2 years of my job. Office 2013 was deleted, all my office documents were turned into unreadable text files, One Drive was gone, I lost several permissions (including the most basic of all, downloading email attachments for work), my printer was gone except for the fax, which I didn't have, and those are just the highlights. My entire laptop was a mess and I was left helpless to do my job. It took me weeks to get back even part of what I had lost and the worst of all of this? I wasn't entirely sure what had happened at that time as I was unaware there was a whole to-do already with these "malicious updates" so I was naive enough to think that it could have been my fault in the newly installed antivirus software or an accidental oversight caused by hurried deadline and I didn't know to search online for a cause or solution. It took weeks to get back just part of what I'd lost when it suddenly happened again (this was in May). At this time I stumbled across the update as the cause and I was able to attempt to fix the problem a little quicker this time, but not each problem was the same nor was each fix and not everything had been fixed from before. I have no clue how many updates had happened before what I refer to as the major crash in September when I was completely locked out. It had been one disaster after another, no matter what I did, what site I searched, how long I paused the updates for, which updates I disabled, which advice I followed, etc. Windows inevitably was going to update my computer whether I liked it or not, and I definitely did not.

I got fired from my job thanks to this last update because I was unable to get into my laptop at all. Once again, thanks to a previous Windows update, I was unable to print and in order to completely uninstall my printer so I could reinstall it, I had to restart my laptop. Microsoft took advantage of that moment to force an update and when my system came back up, my pin had been disabled. My only option was to enter my password, which Microsoft wouldn't take, no matter how many times I changed it, which so many other people were having the same problem at the same time and no one at Microsoft was doing a damn thing about it. I also think it's hilarious how Microsoft's solution is to get on another computer to download Windows 10 to put it back on the infected computer like everyone should have two working computers and be able to do this. Even though I worked from home, I actually did have three laptops, a chromebook, an iPad, and a Samsung, so the odds seemed to be in my favor, right? Wrong. The chromebook was my daughter's for elementary school and was so protected I couldn't download anything, one laptop hadn't turned on in six months since my daughter's school used the ClassLink app to fry it, the iPad had a bad charger port, Microsoft was holding my laptop hostage, and ironically, was holding the other hostage, as well, since I was running Vista on it and wouldn't support the downloading of Windows 10. So that left the cell phone which had no outlet for such a download given my options in the middle of the night and so I missed my deadline and was fired while Microsoft sat back and did nothing. I've read so many other stories exactly like mine and I have only seen two of whom have received any compensation for any of it. While I didn't have to buy a new computer yet, I did lose 3-months' worth of wages while I was out of work and just when I managed to get back into my laptop, I lost everything again tonight.

So once again Microsoft, I say to many more times is this going to happen? My laptop says it is now 12:38am but it is really 3:38am and I'm once again resetting everything in the middle of the night. I'm once again uninstalling my printer and I've finally found a new site that has taught me how to disable any and all updates, even thought you, Microsoft, advise against that. Why is that? Is my laptop going to blow up? That might be a welcome change. The only time I haven't had to fix things at least every other week since February of this year was during the two months I was completely locked out because your inept service people either gave wrong advice or ignored consumers completely. I don't think I've been this appalled by a company since Sprint and you have them beat hands down, I promise you that. In fact, I can guarantee you that instead of using my tax return this year to treat myself to the better car I was looking forward to, I'm going to treat myself to the better Macbook. Maybe I'll make some of my lost wages back in the meantime by making bets on how many times my laptop will need reset between now and then. Any takers?

I apologize in advance to anyone this personally offends, but if this were a car manufacturer doing this exact same thing repeatedly over and over like this, do you think it would be tolerated like this?

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