Windows 10 Should Windows users file a class action suit for forced updates/malware

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I have been a windows user since Windows 95. I have had every version except ME and 2000.

I purchased this product in good faith, that it would be the same reliable, trustworthy operating system I've used for more than 20 years. I was not aware that Microsoft had become so desperate and bereft of morals in pursuit of money, that they would install malware on personal computers that overrides the free will of the end user and forces a computer product that is owned and used by the end user, to perform in a manner the end user does not want. Even when the end user disables those features, the operating system acts as malware, finding sneaky ways of turning itself back on, and engaging beyond its mandate. This is disturbing "big brother" level antics, that as a woman, makes me feel unsafe. I spent many weeks denying the software updates by disabling several features at startup, only for the update to turn itself back on, and install, when I left the room for a quick rest room break. I returned to my computer and there the Windows OS was, mentally throwing me on the bed, stripping my digital clothes off and having its way with me against MY WILL... this is not hyperbole, I felt...violated. The OS FORCES THE END USER to engage with Microsoft in ways that is undesirable. I am a computer junkie who even worked for a popular software company a decade ago. Why is Microsoft forcing itself in this rape-like manner on end users? Because it is seeking various ways of monetizing our daily use of computers and hardware that we purchased and paid for in full. And to also watch and monitor our behaviors so they can figure out ways to turn PEOPLE into digital assets. They did this with Microsoft Word. I have an older version that does not require me to pay $150 yearly to rent the software instead of buying it outright for the same cost. I will never use Microsoft 365. I have had several versions of Word that was installed on my computer and that was the end of my contact with Microsoft, so renting it strikes me as ridiculous. I want no contact with any company after I have paid money for it. I don't use One Note, as I am not interested in engaging Microsoft or any other program, thatvis collecting and monitoring my activities. When my transaction is complete, I shouldn’t have to hear from them again. I'm a writer. A published author. For that purpose I will consider owning a word processor without internet connection capabilities. I will use my phone for access to the internet as needed. As much as I hate Mac and Apple products, I may even give that a try, depending on the amount of contact required to use their product. Tomorrow, I will see if I can revert my OS back to Windows 7, the last malware free OS by Microsoft. The unwanted behavior by this software has lost this company a lifelong fan. I may be one person and may not matter much in the grand scheme, but many others feel the same as I do. I was so disgusted I wondered if a class action suit against Microsoft for installing malware and interactive programs was possible. I'm not fully interested in that. But who knows. I have my old laptop with Windows 7. It's old. Slow. 9 years old. But I may sell this one and revert to using the old one until I find a new system to use.


Disgusted with Microsoft

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