Windows 10 Since my Windows 7 was snatched away from me and Windows 10 forced onto my PC

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I have had nothing but problems with Windows 10.

I totally hate it.

I am running the OS with every possible option switched off! Cortana, Updates and everything else that it will allow me to turn off.

I regularly ask Win10 to let Acrobat deal with my PDF files, I simply hate EDGE!!!!! It is no substitute, despite forcing itself to take charge within minutes of my changing the settings. It's a hair tearing experience. And with each update my settings are often reset to suit Microsoft and to frustrate me to no end.

Obviously without these 'features' the OS is frigging dysfunctional and represents a poor excuse for an OS....

I DO NOT LIKE and WILL NOT TOLERATE being forced to use software I have paid for, be forced to accept settings that do not suit my preferences. And I am getting sick and tired of the obvious option that is missing - to dismiss and never ask me again - in these applications. The upgrade to Windows 10 was a classic example of NOT HAVING THE OPTION TO SAY - NO THANK YOU....

Whilst it is nearly impossible for me to totally switch over to another Operating System due to legacy issues, I have now setup a second PC with Ubuntu and to my surprise, I can do pretty much everything on that FREE Operating System that Windows 10 offers me. Everything is much faster and smoother. So, my migration away from Microsoft is officially happening. If it wasn't for backward compatibility with all my data files from the past, I would ditch Microsoft without blinking an eye. Until something happens in this regard, I will have to hold on to Microsoft - purely for compatibility but, I have already begun adopting new applications and formats for my documents as an alternative to MS Office.

The whole issue begun shortly after the 'free upgrade' offer to Windows 10. It was becoming unbearable and seemingly impossible to avoid. Once installed, just as I was beginning to make myself familiar, understand, configure and use Windows 10, it all turned sour after I had a PC failure and resorted to installing my HDD on another - identical replacement laptop, purely in the hope that I could recover my data. Since then Windows 10 has been accusing me of using an unlicensed OS. I have tried the recommended HDD/Laptop swap process to no avail. It goes through the notion of fixing the problem then ends Unsuccessfully and WITHOUT any further suggestions. I have since lost access to my MS Office Applications, I can not start any of them from their existing menu shortcuts any more.... Since my machine arrived with a Genuine MS Windows sticker but without a CD, I am unable to do much about my predicament.

My branded laptop did come with Windows OS and I got suckered into Windows 10 Upgrade - reluctantly. It kept asking WHEN DO YOU WANT TO UPGRADE - rather than DO YOU WANT TO.... I had no choice but to reply LATER several times and one day, it just began installing itself and I could not stop it from doing so. Within a short time, large Microsoft files were being generated to the extent of grinding my formerly super fast laptop with a SSD HDD to dismal levels of performance. I carried out a cull of several GB sized files generated and stored in hidden places on my HDD.

Windows 10 is a HUGE MISTAKE, not only for MICROSOFT but for anyone who uses it.

I strongly advise anyone who feels the same to check out Ubuntu and the Memory Stick Installation package from their web site. You the latest version of Ubuntu OS onto a memory stick, reboot your PC and follow simple instructions to install and attain a VERY STABLE OS with a similar Graphical User Interface and a plethora of FREE applications that you would otherwise have to pay for, under the Windows Operating Systems....

Having used and being used to the MS Office suite of applications over the years I found Ubuntu's FREE version of Libre Office somewhat difficult to get used to, this has led me to investigate LATEX for document production and low and be hold, I am enjoying computing - again... My documents are now in industry standard, compatible with any platform - format used for professional typesetting - that is what's used to print professional publications such as books, magazines and so on.

I thoroughly recommend getting away from this faceless organisation that has passed its sell by date. There is a world of Open Source Computing out there and since computers are going to be around for some time to come, it would be better to consider a flavour of Linux (Ubuntu, Centos, Red Hat etc...) for free and break the chains that Microsoft has padlocked you with. Moving away from Microsoft means enjoying computing for your own benefit, rather than becoming a test monkey for Microsoft. Feeding the company with even more with information that ultimately helps it fix the broken product that you have paid for and will be paying again for it under a different name as a 'new' product.

Good riddance Windows 10 !

BTW. At work, we use Windows 7 Pro. Which is somehow very different to other versions of Windows OS (I have used all from ealy 3.11, 95, 98, NT, 8, 7 and 10) and Widows 7 Pro works like a dream. I don't even get bugged about upgrading to Win 10 on that machine. This tells me that based on a random probability distribution, 95% of the population using Windows don't have a clue about what they are buying and Microsoft like all money making organisations know very well that there are enough of us out there with insufficient knowledge to understand the kinds of games played and how all these problems we are experiencing are NOT random at all. These companies rely on the fact that we can not afford the time and effort needed to understand let alone file a reasonable complaint to get justice. Most of us will probably ditch the OS, some will throw their computers away with it, only to replace it with another identical but an updated system - not knowing that we're preparing ourselves for a different set of problems with this ageing company that likes to flog a dead horse over and over again.

At the end of the day, Personal Computing has been around for almost 4 decades and Microsoft has been developing Operating Systems for as long. There is NO EXCUSE for a Microsoft Operating System to work flawlessly. And IT IS UNREASONABLE to expect the average user to read through pages and pages and pages of technically challenging 'self service' documents to identify and find a solution to problems created by a product they have paid for.

Take a look at Microsoft's web site, you will NOT see any informaiton about past products. So, you can imagine that unless you somehow get their attention and receive help or solution to your problems, the application will be superceeded and you must buy a new product. This means, that if they can some-how gewtaway with it for a couple of years, they have made it and YOU ARE JUST ANOTHER CONSUMED customer.

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